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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: We are elderly and fully invested in 23 dividend paying stocks now, and have full positions in TRP, IPL and PPL. I am considering selling IPL and PPL down to a 1/2 position, adding to my VET and AAR.UN to bring each of them to 2/3 pos'n and taking a 2/3 pos'n in EIF. I should add that our present portfolio is 28% in the green with nothing in the red and I manage it daily. Do my changes sound reasonable to you given the present environment? Thanks, Ted
Read Answer Asked by Edward on August 02, 2016
Q: PHILLIPS 66 (PSX:NYSE)... I am looking for a combination of refiners for a pullback. The movement in the oil/gasoline is indicating that prices will retract again from current levels. I would like your thoughts on Phillips 66 and one other to hold for the next 12-18 moths. Consensus is looking at mid 2017 before the market really starts to get a hold of the supply side. Do you see this company able to grow revenues and possibly increase profitability?

Thank you
Jason N.
Read Answer Asked by JASON on August 02, 2016
Q: With gas price increase and coming heating season, which of these companies would you recommend? If your favorite is any other company, please mention. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Shah on August 02, 2016
Q: Hi 5iResearch Team
I am reviewing the tax treatment of distributions for companies I hold shares/units in and I am having trouble finding information on the tax treatment for the distributions from kwh.un, acr.un, apr.un and xhy.
Can you help me out?
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on August 02, 2016
Q: I was wondering where to sign up for the portfolio review
Read Answer Asked by joseph on July 31, 2016
Q: just a comment , but i am quite sure you guys are missing the boat on maryjane stocks, i own the above 2 and all i do is make money.
the point is you do not value these stocks on financial metrics, but on the future and the market is astronomical and legalization is coming in a hurry where licensed producers will mint money.and medical maryjane is huge and getting a lot bigger especially for the elderly with all their aches and pains including me. please comment. dave
Read Answer Asked by david on July 29, 2016