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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Have some monies sitting on sidelines. Can you name me a cheap (excluding energy) sector if any and a couple of recommendations? Thank you. Bill
Read Answer Asked by Bill on August 02, 2016
Q: I am looking for general advice on the fixed income side of a portfolio. Where should I go to find fixed income that has a decent return? Or should I not worry about that, and concentrate on dividends from stable companies.

I have about 10% cash, and 10% altogether in ZPR, CVD, CSU.DB (all three obviously not fixed income). BTW, retirement in ten years or so.
Read Answer Asked by Richard on August 02, 2016
Q: I am considering purchasing a preferred ETF. Perhaps, one of CPD, ZPR, PPS or HPR. I notice that HPR has the lowest yield and highest MER but over the past 5 years it has done appreciable better; i.e., lost quite a bit less, than the other three. Is this attributable to its 'active' management or is there something different about its diversity of preferred shares?
Read Answer Asked by richard on August 02, 2016
Q: Hi,

CXR continues to make new lows. It also trades on the U.S market, where U.S. investors just see a stock continually going down, and it is heavily shorted by U.S. investors. Years back, Jennifer Dowdie, then an editor for the Investors Digest, now with the
Globe & Mail, really liked Sino Forest. Hence, a lot of people owned this stock. Carson Block started shorting this stock and driving the price down... just like with valiant pharmaceuticals. Canadian analysts came on business stations and started criticizing him. In the end, just like valiant pharmaceuticals, he drove the stock way down in the case of Sino Forest right to 0. Is there going to be a time when you will tell us to cut our losses with CXR? Could you guys please do a feature on this stock and publish it? A lot of your customers have holdings in this stock.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on August 02, 2016
Q: Good day 5i Team, I have a diversified registered stock portfolio loosely mirroring 5i's balanced leaning toward growth stocks (with Europe & US dividend etf exposure). I am long term with this but am looking for hedge against any broad market declines. Can you briefly explain and recommend inverse etf's as a suitable hedge against this.
Thank you for your valued advice
Read Answer Asked by Harry on August 02, 2016
Q: Hi there,

Thanks for the great service! I purchased KXS when it was added to the Balanced Equity portfolio at 5% weighting. It has performed well and is now about a 7% weighting in my portfolio. Their results are coming out shortly which I presume may have the ability to move the stock much higher or much lower. In your opinion, should I trim my 7% weight to 5% BEFORE or AFTER the results?

Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 02, 2016