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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: my ACB is $56. CXR is not a big part of my portfolio and in my TFSA. I was going to buy more on the low 30's then the Blackrock news came out. the price has now come back to $36/$37. My planned purchase would bring my ACB down to $46 at the current price. Am I throwing good money after bad? If CXR is sold now does it get more than $65/share? Or less because of the debt load? If you were a potential buyer what would you pay? What is your advice? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Richard on May 02, 2016
Q: What is your general evaluation of this company and CEO Steve Marshall? Will it be difficult to sell their mineral assets? Are they overly dependent on the "normalization" of relations between the US and Cuba? Many thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by MG on May 02, 2016
Q: Hello Peter,
Can you please explain the various reasons for gold to move higher? One of the reasons i have been reading is deflation. If that is true, it appears that Prem Watsa at Fairfax is betting on deflation. His portfolio supposedly will do well if he is correct. If gold is going up due to deflation, why is Mr Watsa not buying gold? I would appreciate your thoughts. Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on May 02, 2016
Q: Skyworks was a company Bruce Tatters had recommended on BNN. I asked you about it a few months ago, and you seemed to think it was alright. It seems to me that it is a recipe to lose money. What is your opinion of it now?

Also, what do you expect when DRT reports? Will it be a good or a bad report? (rather than a numerical answer)This stock last quarter went up for a few days and then went right back down. It also had a big drop on April 29th. If you think that the quarter will be fine, I will hold on to it and watch it carefully.

Thanks for the good advice. I spend a lot of time reading your question & answer section, and have learnt a lot from 5i Research.

Read Answer Asked by Dennis on May 02, 2016
Q: How is a metals producer usually valued? I see Scotiabank has an adjusted eps calculation, but I wonder if book value should also be considered. I calculate an BV/sh of approx. $15 form their recent filings today. In your opinion what would be a reasonable price range for this company at todays copper/gold prices +/-10%?
Thanks, Gordon
Read Answer Asked by gordon on May 02, 2016
Q: This could save a lot of pain for fellow 5i members: If you hold U.S cash outside your RRSP and your TFSA... (A) the gain is calculated by subtracting the CAD value of the ACB from the CAD value of the proceeds (B) the buy and sell generate a deemed disposition of U.S cash that must be reported. It had a big effect on my taxes. None of my friends understand this, so it's likely many here have missed this. Because the exchange rate is now far from 1.0, CRA is now looking at that. You can see an example here: You can go to the tax section of the forum to ask questions.
Read Answer Asked by Matt on May 02, 2016
Q: In your esteemed opinion which would be a better way to invest in Gold:
1) Buy the Stock XAU, or
2) open a BitGold a/c, wherein you Cash deposit buys Gold at it then spot Price and you sell at whatever Spot price prevails at time of Sale. $ Cost Averaging alos has a play here.

Many Thanks. Austin
Read Answer Asked by Austin on May 02, 2016
Q: You recently answered a question by Isabel about Sherritt bonds. Where does one go to see what is available in high yield bonds? I use TD Waterhouse as a broker, and when I search high yield bonds, I only find a very small selection, usually 5-10, and I couldn't find the bonds Isabel was asking about. The same thing happened when I searched for Pengrowth Energy bonds that I read about in an article a couple of weeks ago. Where can I get a complete listing? Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on May 02, 2016
Q: Regarding Kim's question about fees her broker might earn from putting her in ETFs. Why not simply ask the broker how he/she gets paid. It's a fair question. If the broker does not provide a clear answer, perhaps it is time to find broker who will.
Guy R.
Read Answer Asked by Guy R. on May 02, 2016
Q: I manage a part of my portfolio and have some with a wealth management firm that is strictly income. My wealth management firm has been buying a lot of ETF's lately, and I am concerned that I am paying fees to the firm as well as fees on the ETF's, and that overall it is cutting into my income more than I realize. I have been searching the internet for a site that will list the fees associated with ETF's so that I can make some calculations, but can't seem to find one. Do you know if wealth management firms get any sort of kick-back for buying ETF's, and do you (or another member) have a suggested site with fee information easily available?
Read Answer Asked by Kim on May 02, 2016