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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i team,
This REIT's share price fell almost 4% after the financials release on friday. As I believe eastern Canada will do well over the next few years, would you recommend it at this price, or could you propose better alternatives ?

Much thanks
Read Answer Asked by Sam on August 08, 2016
Q: Westjet now has the first discount airline entering the Canadian marketplace with a continued dark outlook for their core routes (Alberta). What are your near term (3-6 month) and longer term (1-2+ years) thoughts on the stock price/valuation? Any and all insight is welcomed.

Thank you for all your great work this year, it has been an exciting one!
Read Answer Asked by Will on August 08, 2016
Q: Just a comment... I've finally figured out how to view your entire segment on BNN... You may want to share with others (esp people like me who are really annoyed at the short segment/repeative ads format). I've gone to, clicked on videos, did a search on "Peter Hodson" and was given a number of videos - the length (time) of each video is listed in the bottom right hand portion of the screen --- look for length of about 46 minutes.
PS. Love what you do, and have increased my "wealth" for it!
Read Answer Asked by Brenda on August 08, 2016
Q: Hello Peter, Ryan & 5i Team

I'm looking to bulk up my US exposure, specifically US$ income rather than growth names. Would you favour ETFs or a small set of individual companies for this purpose (any suggestions of either? Thank you)

As always, thank you for your insights and wisdom.
Read Answer Asked by mike on August 08, 2016