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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i,
This is not a question, but rather a note to add to the ongoing DH dialogue. A number of weeks or months ago, DH had a release stating that they were working in conjunction with another firm to explore and develop Blockchain technology (if I read and understood correctly). This, to me, is a positive in that it shows that DH can and will innovate and is not going to be "left behind" if they can help it. Blockchain is expected to be a "disruptive" technology if it pans out as anticipated. DH is looking to try and be on the leading edge, not following and playing "catch up" later.
For myself, I will hold on and wait, perhaps add enough to be just slightly overweight, take the dividend, and give the company a chance to further prove themselves. If I am totally wrong in this, my weighting at about 1.50% (pre-drop) won't cause me too much grief in the big scheme of things.
Anyway, for what it is worth, I thought I would offer this up.......
Read Answer Asked by Mike on October 27, 2016
Q: I have shares in Amaya, Intertain and NYX gaming and am quite discouraged with both their performance and their outlook. If I were to hold any of them could you rate them from strongest to weakest with reasons. Do you think any of them are an outright sell at this point. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on October 27, 2016
Q: Good morning. I'm wondering if you would consider this a good entry point for KBL? Its RSI at 28 seems like this might be a good time to jump in but I wanted your take on its valuation. Is the forward P/E of 22.8 (according to Globeinvestor) reasonable for this company? After the excitement of DH this week, I'm thinking a "boring" stock like KBL might be a nice addition to my holdings. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Steven on October 27, 2016
Q: I have already read all the Q&A and understand your opinion. As an investor I am trying to learn from this mess. With that in mind and looking for past experience guidance to making a decision on my holdings, I am looking for a similar "case study" stock.

A stock that is highly respected, good track record over time, solid management, etc, but in more of a "sunset" business than a sunrise business - but trying hard to change.

The one that quickly comes to mind is Yellow Pages, and we know that did not turn out well for investors - unless they bought the depreciated and restructured company and have seen a nice profit since then.

Any parallels here or other foreseeable surprises ahead?

Your thoughts, please.


Read Answer Asked by Donald on October 27, 2016
Q: Please comment on quarter and outlook. It appears they are serious about reverting to profits and growth. Is there bona fide progress, or just a case of 'managing expectations' as new management transitions in?
Read Answer Asked by gordon on October 27, 2016
Q: Hi there

I have owned a part position in Northwest Company and was thinking of adding to it on the recent pullback to bring it up to a full position. I like it's steady income characteristics. Do you think it's recent decreased same stores sales issues are a temporary blip, or more of a long term trend going forward? If you were going to invest a full position into a food/merchant seller would it be your first choice or would it be something else?

Much thanks

Read Answer Asked by Stuart on October 27, 2016