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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What do you think of this company which is a supplier of powertrain systems to most car companies. It seems to be a very stable company with a decent moat.

The only 2 things I can see is the vehicle market is slowing and their dept more than doubled over the past year (I think they issued notes recently).

Thank You,
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on August 05, 2016
Q: I know it is way to small for you guys, but is it possible to get an opinion about future potential for EUO Eurocontrol.
One of the largest players in that sector SICPA now owns 12.4%. They are doing a share buy back up to 10% of the companies estimated public float , and insiders have decent positions

Read Answer Asked by David on August 05, 2016
Q: A year ago, Knight signed a deal to distribute 3 of Advaxis's products in Canada and bought about 400,000 shares at $13.91, a premium at the time from the Advaxis treasury. The shares tanked to $5, recovered to $8 and have jumped %6 to $14 in the past 3 days on the announcement that Amgen bought worldwide rights to another Advaxis drug and gave them $40 Million. This will help Knight as the shares appreciate but will it hurt their deal on the other 3 drugs they represent as Advaxis may concentrate on the behemoth deal with a super-large pharma co. and neglect their other products.
Knight's share price has help up well during the healthcare decline. Do you think they will one day do a big deal or continue to drip out their $600M in miniscule does? I am sure this company will be a blockbuster some day, but I may not live long enough to see it!
Read Answer Asked by Steven on August 05, 2016
Q: Could you please provide some information on Brookfield Select Opportunities Income Fund (BSO)? How does this fund work, and for whom would it be appropriate? For instance, would it be a fair assessment to use it as part of Fixed Income portion in a well-diversified portfolio? -- and to use it as a full position (in this case being around 5%)? I'm assuming it trades just like any other equity? Thanks for all your great service.

Kudos to Peter, also, on a great show on BNN last night. A superb explanation on what's going on at Concordia ... which should quell all the questions for a while. : )
Read Answer Asked by Sylvia on August 05, 2016
Q: Peter and Team:
Above is a list of stocks I hold in an more aggressive non balanced account with no bias towards weighting. (I also hold a more balanced portfolio modelled much after yours--thank you!).

I am down 20-50% on all of these. I was wondering if you thought there were any I should cut loose now in search of better opportunities. I am patient (somewhat) with a long time horizon.

Thank you for a wonderful,ever improving service.

Read Answer Asked by Phil on August 05, 2016
Q: Why does the market seem so apathetic about this company's consistently excellent financial results. I've held the stock over 3 years during which time the EPS has increased about 50%, and yet the stock price is roughly the same. There has also been two dividend increases.

Do you think the company could eventually be taken private if the market will not give the company a fair valuation.

Read Answer Asked by Chris on August 05, 2016