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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi.

Im curious questrade has lower commission fees and and dont charge buying etf, only when you sell. Do they have the same coverage with stocks and etf with other brokers? Im with TD and thinking to switch to questrade. Your opinion please.

Thanks, Sunday
Read Answer Asked by sunday on August 09, 2016
Q: Is the update of your coverage universe coming out or am I missing something?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on August 08, 2016
Q: I asked a question on PM soon after the takeover bid concerning the possibility of an increase in the share price before closure of the deal. Thanks to your answer, I held on and, lo and behold, the price has increased some 10% in the last few days. As before, I has difficulty in getting news (all I got so far is a circular about the meeting to vote for the deal). Is the price increase due to a dividend? Thanks as ever. henry
Read Answer Asked by Henry on August 08, 2016
Q: I see the last comments on DDC are a little dated. Could I have your updated thoughts. On the negative side it is trading in the $11 range and has a major mine shut down because of a fire about a month ago. Also they expect to be down for three months or so to repair / replace equipment. On the positive side there is a nice yield and insider buying has picked up.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on August 08, 2016
Q: Hi 5i team,
This REIT's share price fell almost 4% after the financials release on friday. As I believe eastern Canada will do well over the next few years, would you recommend it at this price, or could you propose better alternatives ?

Much thanks
Read Answer Asked by Sam on August 08, 2016