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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Peter & Team, I picked up from your Q&A SHOP and ENGH have new tickers and so does CIGI. There seem to be a few of them changing today (I hold CIG and ESL). So why the change? Nothing in the ENGH web site and CIGI simply state change follows US ticker. Are these securities still as liquid and is the change at TSX request or company request? There is no grey market or junior listing on the TSX is there? Appreciate reply. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Keith on November 02, 2016
Q: Hey folks
With it looking more possible that a Trump win is in the future, and the predictions of how the markets are going to fall ( which we may have seen the start of today), would it be prudent to take some gains off the table now and reinvest when/if the markets drop, knowing fully that they will recover in a short time, or should a person stand pat and ride it out? I am thinking there may be some gains to be realized by playing the over reaction that is sure to come if Mr. Trump wins.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on November 02, 2016
Q: My 6 year old's RESP CSU shares are comfortably 4 baggers. I remember being so nervous buying as chart was a straight run of succes and had recently doubled from when first started watching CSU. Thank you for the CSU research and suggestion to not be afraid to buy a stock that has gone up in price. Also, I am assume some members purchased and still hold from your first recommendation are close to or in 10 bagger territory so congrats to them.
Read Answer Asked by John on November 02, 2016
Q: I am looking to build a future income stream from a portfolio of 5-6 names that can be held for many years (decades) that will show sustainability and dividend growth. I am patient and would add to the names consistently for the next 20 years. If you had to pick 6 "forever" stocks that you could rely on, what would they be? (utilizing Buffett's theory of best time horizon for owning a stock is forever). I don't ever want to worry about a dividend cut and am comfortable holding through periods of extreme volatility as long as I know I am getting paid. Thanks in advance! (PS I am aware this could mean no exposure to commodity stocks)
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on November 01, 2016
Q: Hi Peter and Staff
Your email this morning contemplates that EFN/ECN split is reflected in the portfolio.As the portfolio is not yet posted(I am sure it will be soon), my question I have been wondering is that for those of us who got equal number of shares in both ECN and EFN on split,we now have a lot less $ tied up in ECN than EFN. Should we continue that ratio or if we are going to continue to support both companies,should we been evening up our $ invested in each?
Thanks for all you do
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on November 01, 2016