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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I saw your recent response indicating this was ok for income. In looking at this company it appears to be US based (even though it does trade in Toronto) if we are using a non-registered account the dividends would not be eligible for the dividend tax credit and the investment would be considered foreign for reporting purposes...perhaps one of your members that has received dividends could confirm this? thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Ed on August 29, 2016
Q: Good Morning 5I team, I have been building a cash position and would like your opinion on these stocks/etf to add to a mostly buy and hold dividend generating portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by STEVE on August 29, 2016
Q: I hold Harvest group closed end funds HBF.UN (Brand Leaders Plus) and HHL.UN (Healthcare Leader) Only a total 3% of overall portfolio and fully for div income and diversive purposes into firms I couldn't hold individually. I just received notice of their plans to change over to a ETF for each of these close end funds. These are the only closed end funds I hold and I am wondering your point of view on this move. They of coarse say its to our advantage for Liquidity and growth potential. These are small funds and I wonder what kind of notice they really would receive in an already crowded ETF market and if the management team is really acting in our best interests here. I am not so sure they can maintain their current div yield of 8%ish either it seems high for an ETF. As always thank you for you good honest work on our behalf
Read Answer Asked by James on August 29, 2016
Q: PARK LAWN CORP have contracts with 2 companies namely Edgemark Developments and Nine To Seven Limited with both controlled by directors of Park Lawn. This seems like a conflict of interest to me since the Directors will be biased to use their companies and not shop around.
Secondly Park Lawn lends money to these 2 companies to buy PLC shares at a low interest rate payable on maturity far in the future. I think this practice is hurting share holders. Not only are they giving our money away but at the same time are diluting our shares.

I would appreciate your view on my objections.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on August 29, 2016
Q: What are your thoughts on HBI? I came across this idea from a Morningstar article focusing on undervalued US stocks. I don't have any defensive consumer stocks in my portfolio and thought it might be a good addition.

The company apparently has a strong brand and market position in underwear and other apparel and is trading at lower multiples than Gildan (HBI 12x forward p/e). EPS and dividend growth have been strong over the past 3 years but a recent guidance decrease has sent the stock down.

They recently acquired Champion brand in Europe and Pacific brands of Australia.

One potential risk is the increasing leverage of the balance sheet by issuance of new debt and recent large share buyback. An intention change the capital structure to boost ROE and EPS seems to be taking place. E
Read Answer Asked by Chris on August 29, 2016
Q: Hot.un Bhy.un Bgi.undrg.un
I have over 1000 shares in the above companies could you give me your opinion
They are all for income would you suggest other choices as they have not been
Performing that well for some time
Thanks Pat
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on August 29, 2016