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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I own TCL.A (2%) and am thinking of replacing it with either CLR, BOS or ECI. I already own 4% ECI and 3% CLR in my portfolio. What would be your suggestion.
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on August 30, 2016
Q: What are your thoughts on Brinker International Inc (EAT).
I purchased this recently and it has a good run up in the short time I have owned it. Should I continue to hold. My concern is that revenue growth seems to be flat but earnings growth good. Usually this is unsustainable over the longer term.
Thank you for your service. I learned about Brinker (high ROE) from an earlier question posted on July 25.

Read Answer Asked by J Stephen on August 30, 2016
Q: My site did not confirm that this was sent,so here again.Original take out offer was $4.50.Now increase in SIRI share proration,the value is $4.83.Do not understand(may include some share of SIRI),so please explain.Meeting to vote on Aug 30,10am ET & appears offer will succeed as the 2 major shareholders endorse & no other offer to date despite a number of dissidents as per BNN.I just want cash even though my purchase price was higher @ $7 plus.Please advise me what to do & provide a stock as replacement.Always appreciate your usual great advices & services
Read Answer Asked by Peter on August 30, 2016
Q: I noticed that you failed to mention PPY twice when asked for gas stock recommendations. I doubt that it is because you no longer like it. PPY has outperformed while PEY has lagged. Do you think a switch is in order of all or part of my PPY holdings?
Read Answer Asked by Gerald on August 29, 2016