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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i, between these energy companies, TRP, ENB, PPL.un , and IPL.un, KEY, which of the following companies would you recommend buying now for a long term hold?
Please advise from best to least liked, or please advise if you would have a different recommendation of the energy sector companies? Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Valter on November 23, 2016
Q: Wanted to thank Peter and the 5i team for persistently reminding readers that the weed sector is high risk and should be avoided by investors. Looks like most of the suspects in the sector are now down 50% from their highs with no support in sight. Anyone subscribing 5i's service has paid for their subscription 100 times over by avoiding these devastating losses while existing weed shareholders are in panic mode. Well done, 5i, you are worth your weight in gold and platinum.
Read Answer Asked by malcolm on November 22, 2016
Q: I am concerned about the relative weakness in Milestone recently, compared to other reits. I have read a bit about the possibility that their Houston properties were weak in Q3 and they may be getting weaker. And yet, wouldn't the impact of the weakness in the energy industry be already present in the vacancy/rental rates? Also, does the relatively low rents (i.e. B properties renting for around $900/month) give some protection? In a long-winded way, I am asking if the Houston portfolio provides a lot of risk to overall growth (in cash flow) going forward? Or is there anything else causing the weakness in the stock price.I'm feeling anxious about this because I put my kids into it after their recent offering and the stock is down from there......
Read Answer Asked by arnold on November 22, 2016
Q: I have Enbridge in my portfolio and have received notice of a special meeting pertaining to the merger with Spectra that involves the issuance of shares to Spectra holders at just below par to facilitate the process. The literature is rather bulky and I am not sure I really understand it. Is this a good proposal for shareholders and should I support it? This kind of change makes me nervous. Is it a really good idea almost certain to benefit the merged entity, or is it time to exit from Enbridge to be safe?
Read Answer Asked by John on November 22, 2016
Q: I'm looking to buy a US bank. I know you like JPM, so can you compare JPM to OZRK for me? I know JPM is way bigger so less risky in theory.Looking at Fwd P/E OZRK looks more expensive but it looks much more consistent over the last 10 years and has better ROE and cash flow.Please give me you r analysis.Thanks and I'm learning a lot from your service!
Read Answer Asked by Adam on November 22, 2016
Q: I know US is not your focus but someone called Davuluri on BNN yesterday says that Nvdia is seriously overvalued and that it is a market sell with a downward trend to $38 a share. That is a huge prediction drop as the stock is trading closer to $100.
Is one too late to the party? I know it has a huge p/e but other analysts seem to think it is justified based on going forward.
Why would this person risk his reputation on a call like that or is it the case: hope you sell sucker so I can buy it?
Read Answer Asked by Helen on November 22, 2016
Q: A comment for Dave who was asking about "playing the vix." HVI is a Canadian un-leveraged inverse VIX ETF that is "safer" than going long the VIX. HVU and HUV are, in my limited experience, good vehicles for losing money. With an inverse VIX product like HVI (or XIV in the US) it tends to benefit, not decay from the contango. Strategy in a nutshell is to buy when the market is tanking (VIX > 20) and hold as the VIX declines, which could be over a period of weeks or months. It's still a risky trading strategy, but less so than long VIX products, especially the leveraged long VIX products like HVU.
Read Answer Asked by David on November 22, 2016