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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: There have been a number of questions about tax loss selling. I am concerned with the opposite. There are some stocks up 50-75-100% this year, and who people/organizations might want to sell early in the new year in order to postpone paying taxes for another year. Would it make sense to sell something like that, say PBH now, in anticipation of selling in the new year, and transfer the money to a company like CSU which hasn't really done much this year? PBH might be picked up again after selling is done, if it happens.
Read Answer Asked by John on December 14, 2016
Q: Greetings 5i, I'm wondering what is so attractive about a company like PBH. I don't understand some of the more exotic metrics, but if I look at basics like net income, earnings per share, etc, PBH doesn't look to be building shareholder value as it gets bigger. Is the attraction a bet that they will eventually somehow wring more value out of their acquisitions through organic growth?
Read Answer Asked by Rick on December 14, 2016
Q: Last July , you put together a report entitled " Report of Target Price Data" . The report listed stocks that were undervalued . Many were sadly beaten up , but two of the " Strong Buys" from the first 2 pages returned over 300% as of last Friday . I am certain most of the data is outdated and there would be new companies listed .
I am not sure what your source was for this report ... Was your submitting this a one time event ? Thanks for everything ... Tom
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on December 13, 2016