Q: What are the top 5 in the balanced and growth portfolios to invest right now?
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Investment Q&A
Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.
Q: Hello 5i,
In the event of a bear market occurring, please advise what companies in the beport portfolio are considered to be defensive, or more likely to withstand a major share price reduction.
In the event of a bear market occurring, please advise what companies in the beport portfolio are considered to be defensive, or more likely to withstand a major share price reduction.
Q: If you could buy one of these stocks today, which would you pick? Long term holds.
Q: I've owned ALA for quite some time now at a large loss. Would it make sense to sell for tax loss and purchase ALA.R? Would you happen to know if this would be allowable?
Q: Given the recent earnings reports, which appear to have been very positive, do you have any insight into why TD has not rebounded?
Q: You did a portfolio review for me in March and it was very helpful. I sold some losers, still have some stragglers and picked up a few great stocks & ETFs. I am wondering if I should hold CXI until later in the summer, in hopes business picks up or sell it now and buy KXS. I am down 40% in my TFSA and it's hard to sell but I am tired of waiting for good news. Your valued opinion, please. I know that it is no longer in your portfolio.
Q: Good morning, your opinion on SES pls. Also, any idea why the stock dropped 7% yesterday, selling was relentless throughout the day, just wondering, analysts seem to have positive opinion on this one, is a secondary offering coming to market?
Q: What do you think of a strategy to buy convertible debentures from GSY as well as Altagas Receipts as additional investments to match against margin borrowings - they cover the margin interest for twice the amount invested in them.
It is possible the banks increase their interest rate even if Bank of Canada does not. How do you expect these two securities to react?
Also, how can one buy the GSY debentures - my investments are managed with a self directed brokerage account.
It is possible the banks increase their interest rate even if Bank of Canada does not. How do you expect these two securities to react?
Also, how can one buy the GSY debentures - my investments are managed with a self directed brokerage account.
Q: Hi, I can't decide which financial stock to choose for a half position in my portfolio . For financials I already own full positions of BNS, SLF . (And HR.UN for real estate if you think that is relevant)
Which would you choose and why? Thank you
Which would you choose and why? Thank you
Q: GEO has been a good performer the past year but has been weak for the recent few months and particularly since releasing earnings earlier in May. Although the quarter showed some metrics that were down a bit, it appears they are setting up for good growth next year. Is this your take on the company? Is it a good time to complete a full position on the price weakness?
Q: Morning,
What are your current and forward looking views on MRD? Your comments always valued.
What are your current and forward looking views on MRD? Your comments always valued.
Q: Could you comment on this company. Beautiful chart.
Is it now overpriced?
Is it now overpriced?
Q: hi
I have a position of several single stock size in JFS.UN, but I am getting bored with it (yes, I know how that sounds). What is your opinion of it and should it be sold to take advantage of better opportunities. What stocks or etfs funds would you recommend to replace it?
My current energy or close to energy holdings are WCP, Crius, BEP.UN, IPL and FTS. Is energy close to a bottom and what might you add in energy? Would Sprott energy fund or NRGY.UN be a good choice or some other single stocks or funds?
(I realize this is kind of 2 questions... but part of a partial rebalance, so you can take 2 credits if that applies)
I have a position of several single stock size in JFS.UN, but I am getting bored with it (yes, I know how that sounds). What is your opinion of it and should it be sold to take advantage of better opportunities. What stocks or etfs funds would you recommend to replace it?
My current energy or close to energy holdings are WCP, Crius, BEP.UN, IPL and FTS. Is energy close to a bottom and what might you add in energy? Would Sprott energy fund or NRGY.UN be a good choice or some other single stocks or funds?
(I realize this is kind of 2 questions... but part of a partial rebalance, so you can take 2 credits if that applies)
Q: HI team,
I am looking to start a RESP with a 15+ year time line. My 5 month old son loves the stomach churning world of small cap investing, just like his old man. What are your thoughts on putting all 2500 of this year's contributions towards PHO at its current value. I was also considering allocating 1000 shares in PHO and the remaining in GUD. My thoughts are that we start off with some higher risk/growth opportunity, which can be throttled down as our time line decreases. I would appreciate any strategic guidance or alternative suggestions.
I am looking to start a RESP with a 15+ year time line. My 5 month old son loves the stomach churning world of small cap investing, just like his old man. What are your thoughts on putting all 2500 of this year's contributions towards PHO at its current value. I was also considering allocating 1000 shares in PHO and the remaining in GUD. My thoughts are that we start off with some higher risk/growth opportunity, which can be throttled down as our time line decreases. I would appreciate any strategic guidance or alternative suggestions.
Q: Good morning,
Global payments was highlighted as a promising fintech stock by Citigroup. What do you think of this company? Would you be a buyer? Or would you have an alternative suggestion in the space (mastercard and visa already owned)
Thank you
Global payments was highlighted as a promising fintech stock by Citigroup. What do you think of this company? Would you be a buyer? Or would you have an alternative suggestion in the space (mastercard and visa already owned)
Thank you
Q: Good Morning. Would like your opinion on these two corporations. Would you consider them as a possible buy. Thank You.
Q: On My 18, you mentioned water industry stocks. Would you know of a Cdn or US ETF for the water industry covering a wide range of technologies?
Q: Hello,
I am one who will be using aimia to write off against gains on other shares, but for now, they have committed to their dividend for this payment. Can they continue the dividend at this rate out of cash flow if they choose to do so? What would you envision them to do with their dividend in the future? Do they have time to weigh their options or are their outside forces that will force their hand more quickly?
I am one who will be using aimia to write off against gains on other shares, but for now, they have committed to their dividend for this payment. Can they continue the dividend at this rate out of cash flow if they choose to do so? What would you envision them to do with their dividend in the future? Do they have time to weigh their options or are their outside forces that will force their hand more quickly?
Q: Hello, can you please provide your input on NetEase current financial position and future growth opportunities. Thank you.
Q: Re: Garena (SEA) IPO - Hello, I know this is outside the scope. But just wanted your thoughts on this IPO..looks really interesting. Your thoughts on this is much appreciated. How can small Canadian investors get involved with this?should they?