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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi,

I purchased DIS just over a year ago at $111.58 USD. It closed today at $111.30 USD, showing that I'm down 4.4% in my BMOInvestorline brokerage account.

Math isn't my forte but that unrealized loss doesn't sound accurate to me. Is it somehow a reflection of the currency fluctuations? I don't understand.

Read Answer Asked by Robert on February 02, 2017
Q: Hello Team, Elon Musk is building his battery Gigafactory in Sparks Nevada. It appears there are 14 other battery Gigafactories on the drawing boards, soon to be built around the world. The demand for batteries to power EV's and everything in your house will continue to push up the demand for Lithium. ALB controls 22% of world Li supply, so seems like a good large cap choice. For a more speculative pic I am considering, PE,LAC, or GALXF. Do you have any thoughts on these stocks or other Li stocks you prefer? Thanks Team Chris
Read Answer Asked by Chris on February 02, 2017
Q: I have a follow up to Chad's question. And I'm sorry to beat this issue to death (last question on the topic). But you mention Litner's acquisition of 307k share on January 26th, but lists those vary 307k shares as exercised options (0.15 per share). I've also been watching Litner sell a ton of common shares (well over a million) over the past ~45 days on with no mention of any actual buying in the public market. Does your insider sales source that shows "Net" buying take into consideration the difference between exercising options and true acquisitions in the public market? Is the information on to be trusted? I know investors shouldn't put a lot of stock into insider sales as these individuals can be selling for a number of personal reasons unrelated to the stock, but the number of shares Litner disposed of seemed quite substantial to me.
Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Scott on February 01, 2017
Q: Could you please comment on the recent earning earnings? They seem quite solid but without reference to expectations, it is hard to judge them.

By way of a comment, while you have never said anything negative about this company, it is not one that you seem to tout very much although it has been a solid performer and value grower for many, many years. Do you see this a reasonable core holding in tech?

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 01, 2017
Q: Hi there. I'm overweight in Apple stock (approx. 13%). With yesterdays earnings season causing surge in stock up today should I trim some off. There is still the matter of repatriation and 10 year IPhone 8 season that I don't want to miss out on potentially. Based on my watch list (of which I'm equal weight in all my other equities) is there a sector I should maybe add too that I'm not currently representing?? I would like to add to my Canadian portfolio. Could you recommend 3 stocks to add? Thx
Read Answer Asked by Robert on February 01, 2017
Q: In an answer to Alexandra you stated that the distribution was a combination of dividends and return of capital with roughly 75% of the distribution being a dividend ....I had recently looked at this also...their website states that the 2015 distributions were as follows: 38.3% eligible dividend, 40.7% foreign non-business income and 21% ROC. This can vary but at least in 2015 over 40% was fully taxable income.
Read Answer Asked by Ed on February 01, 2017
Q: Can you talk about the recent insider exec share sales in depth? You mentioned Breault's sale in a previous message but did not get into Joseph Litner. I can understand from a year-end tax planning point of view, but what about Litner and his selling several times over several days. Without much news, is there concern that key management are cashing out and making a jump?
Read Answer Asked by Chad on February 01, 2017
Q: Despite TCW (Trican) having tripled in the past year, it is still far below my purchase price of $18.73 thus I am not too enthusiastic about the company especially considering your responses to others' questions. I also hold some shares in TDG (Trinidad) which I have suffered about a 15% loss. First, I question whether the drilling and oil services area is an area where one should invest as to me it just seems like a hole to throw money at. If I should continue to invest in the area should I perhaps sell one or both of Trican and Trinidad and then buy HWO (High Arctic Energy Services)? I do not need money immediately and have at least a five year investment horizon. As always, I appreciate very much your advice.
Read Answer Asked by ED on February 01, 2017