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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have no metals or minerals in my portfolio. I seem to be getting a late start on this sector but I was deterred by negative EPS in most of these companies. If you could suggest one company to start, what would you suggest. I am a balanced investor and have been looking at LIF because of its dividend and HBM and CS for growth and concentration in copper.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on February 10, 2017
Q: I am assuming that the rise in AW can be attributed to their new initiative to get younger entrepreneurs to buy franchises. Seems like a good idea but I am wondering what risk the company (i.e. the Royalty Income fund) is taking on given that the new franchise owners are in effect being subsidized by not having to pay for leasehold improvements, although rent will recoup those costs. From your past remarks, you have noted that the Fund has few real expenses so who pays for these improvements and does the new program add any new risk to the dividend or earnings?

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 10, 2017
Q: Hello, I would like to purchase has some more of these shares but am worried about the potential of the USA cross border tax and especially in the health care field. Do you believe CRH would be included in this tax and should I hold off and see what happens and how will I be able to tell when or if the tax will be imposed? Thanks for your insight.

Read Answer Asked by rick on February 10, 2017
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan and team,

I have a quick regarding Colabor Group. Is it a turn around story worth investing. Will the dividend come back. What is the business model and is the debt manageable. Is the company for a stable and organic growth or high growth potential. Thank you in advance.

Read Answer Asked by Norwood on February 10, 2017
Q: Now that Apple has risen to within 1% of its all time high and I am finally at a position slightly higher than when I bought, I am considering selling the shares and would be interested in your latest view on whether this is a good time to sell, or whether there is any advantage to waiting a while.
The shares are held in my wife's RRIF and if sold, I would want to buy something else in the same sector, or move into the health/pharma sector.
I bought the shares a few years ago after asking your advice and you suggested to buy either AAPL or GOOG. I suspect that GOOG has done much better since and I have to say I was never really impressed with the low dividend that AAPL pays, especially considering how much cash it has on hand.

Does the tech sector still have legs? Are there any companies you like in the tech sector in the US that pay a 3%+ dividend and still a chance of growth?

Thanks in advance for your deliberations.
Read Answer Asked by John on February 10, 2017
Q: Hi, I am thinking of buying CARA. In the consumer cyclical sector, BPF.UN, QSR & AW.UN are all trading above their 200 day SMA, while CARA is well below its 200 SMA & is trending down in price. What are your thoughts on why CARA is out of favour with investors while other stock prices of companies in the similar business are increasing in value. Thanks … Cal
Read Answer Asked by cal on February 10, 2017
Q: I think Aquila has been raising money by selling shares which were over-subscribed. It looks like insiders have purchased 24% of the issued shares. Finder's fees (cash and warrants) have been awarded to company insiders I suppose. Certainly there has been share dilution but surely dilution is preferable to borrowing money against non-existant cash flow. I know the stock is high risk but my exposure is very low - less than 0.1%.
2 questions...
Does everything still look OK to 5i?
Does Hudbay own any part of the Back-Fourty target?
Read Answer Asked by James on February 10, 2017
Q: I have only 1.5% of my portfolio in WCP and are looking at equal weightings of RRX, TOG and HWO so I can have the same weighting in the energy sector or the balanced portfolio which I have replicated and have full weightings on all of the other sector in that portfolio. Does this seem like a good idea as I think that diversification in a sector is good...cheers
Read Answer Asked by gene on February 10, 2017
Q: Hello gentlemen,

My query pertains to CNR. I took in half a position yesterday (2.5%) and was hoping to wait for a pullback within the next few weeks to buy the remaining half. Do you think the rails are too richly valued at the moment ? Given CNR north south trajectory thorough the continent, do you think it's shipments, and in turn it's stock price may be negatively impacted by potential border taxes ?

Please enlighten me as to whether you are of the opinion that a full poisiton can be purchased, and how you would approach. Do you view this as a solid buy? I'm 31, so my horizon is very long.


Read Answer Asked by Karim on February 10, 2017