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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Team,

I have a slightly overweight position in Franco Nevada, a half position in each of Agnico Eagle and Klondex, less than a half position in Silver Wheaton and bullion holdings including CEF.A.

I am trying to clean up a bit and am considering selling SLW and adding the proceeds to CEF.A, and selling KDX and adding the proceeds to AEM. I would be left with FNV, AEM and bullion as a result.

This would allow me to increase my weighting in bullion and reduce my weighting in bullion equities and move to full positions (or so) in the remaining holdings.

Do you have any feedback on this plan?

Thank you, Michael.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on November 30, 2016
Q: Are there any public companies out there with a good foothold in the graphene development market? I read that it's going to be the super material of the future, but that it's early days still. A recent story about new battery technology based on graphene that can be charged in seconds and last for weeks has tweaked my interest in this material.
Read Answer Asked by Rick on November 30, 2016
Q: Hello,

The current theme is that REITS and utilities will be drifting lower now with Trump spending announcements and higher interest rates on the horizon. Yet, yesterday (some) REITS had a good jump up. My questions are:
1. Would you hold buying REITS and utilities until there is clear direction of the market?
2. If you wanting to deploy 50K for each (REITS and utilities) what would be your preferred names?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Marios on November 30, 2016
Q: Good afternoon. I trust everyone is well. I purchased a partial position in this stock after the consolidation and dividend announcement. It seems to be stabilizing here and I am considering purchasing the remainder of my position. Have your opinions changed since September? An update would be appreciated. Thank you, and my best wishes to all.
Read Answer Asked by william on November 30, 2016