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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Mp portfolio closely mirrors you balanced equity portfolio (about 3 exceptions). I have been happy with its performance but note some analysts indicate a that the US economy will out[perform the Canadian economy over the next year. Do you think it is a good idea to pick up some U.S.stocks? What do you think. I favor ETS's at would make up about 20%of my portfolio.

Would you recommend such a move? If so, what ETF's would you prefer?

Read Answer Asked by Raymond on December 05, 2016
Q: PIF dropped close to 22% this week with no news. It's technical support level is now a very weak $13.78 and today it closed at $14.60.

From a TA stand point it sure look like this will continue to fall through the bottom to the next strong support level of $8. Since my entry price was also only $8 I think I should just lock up my profit now and exit this name, even though I'm collecting almost a 7% dividend.

What is your recommendation in such situation? Even though I like this name I don't want to see so much gains vaporized. I can always buy it back later, right? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Victor on December 05, 2016
Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
I thought there 3rd Quarter results reflected progress as they have closed 85 stores and are restructuring. However the stock dropped 2.58%. So what happened? Was Mr.Market the whole sector loss selling...apparel stocks are out of favour...or all of the above? Ha!Ha! Your thoughts please!
With appreciation...
Dr.Ernest Rivait
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on December 05, 2016
Q: As a follow up to my question Dec 2nd about energy:
1. What is the difference between ENF and ENB?
2. My scepticism about energy, particularly upstream, is due to direct impact and volatility arising from commodity markets, in turn strongly affected by politics. This may now be compounded by low expectation of growth. Comments?
3. Philisophically, I don't like Superior Propane (SPB) much. When I bought it, it was as I recall in a single industry - propane. It since added divisions for specialty chemicals and construction products which seem wholly unrelated and lacking synergy with the core business. I vaguely recall their recently selling or planning to sell one of these unrelated divisions. In principle, I have a problem with companies expanding into unrelated businesses, unless their stated mission is to be a diversified investment vehicle. Comments?
Read Answer Asked by Carl on December 05, 2016
Q: I appreciate you view on the Hudbay minerals announced offer to buy any or all of its outstanding US$920 million aggregate principal amount of 9.500% senior notes due 2020. I own some of these bonds and I feel their offer is not attractive enough to redeem. What is the risk of not tendering? Do you think HDB can survive to pay those bonds?I don't mind holding the bonds until maturity, unless you think that HBM will not survive until then?If I tender what would would be reasonable replacement.

Read Answer Asked by Saad on December 05, 2016
Q: I’m looking to add the equivalent of about 1 full position to consumer cyclicals.

I currently hold DHX.B (2.9%), AW.UN(3.4%), QSR(2%), CGX(2.4%). Right now I care about total returns and I lean towards profitable companies which pay, and regularly increase, dividends. I am not opposed to swapping out companies or adding in new ones though I do tend towards the buy & hold philosophy.

Your thoughts on this list, other options in the sector and where to introduce the new cash would be appreciated.


Read Answer Asked by Gordon on December 05, 2016
Q: I am retired and looking for income the above have not been to great for past few years
Could you suggest others that may be better
Others that I have that are not doing any better are tog,mtl,
I realize you dot have all that you would need for a proper reply
Any suggestion would be welcome thanks Pat
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on December 05, 2016
Q: Peter, these are stocks that I believe you have recently suggested for growth. Some have had decent pullbacks in price. Can you please rank these, based on today's prices, for purposes of long-term capital and income gains in a TFSA. And, if you have an alternative current favourite to add, please add it to the rankings. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by James on December 05, 2016
Q: I have a portfolio consisting of mostly stocks, but also some etf's (ex IWO, ZPR, etc...) and BRK.B. Could you offer some advice on how the ETFs and conglomerate companies fit in to overall sector allocations? For example, in my case I have very little consumer discretionary exposure via stocks, but obviously some through IWO & BRK.B. I'm trying to figure out the best way to measure these for sector allocation purposes.

As always, thanks for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on December 05, 2016