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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I know this is a bit of a crytal ball question. But do you expect the Bayer deal to go through? Any idea how long it would take?

I have held this for a couple of years and am wondering if the funds could be put to better use with a company like NVDA, ULTA or FB .... even though they are all in different industries?

Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on February 17, 2017
Q: The fundamentals I get from CIBC on the company look awful: FPE 26x, ROE is terrible, debt is high at 1.5x Equity or so, P.R. is 4 digits - how can they sustain the very nice dividend and grow it over time? They must have a heck of a lot of non-cash write offs like depreciation, maybe goodwill etc.. Comments please. I'd like a company like this for diversification; but, this one looks like it is way ahead of itself based on positive sentiment NOT fundamentals.
Read Answer Asked by James on February 17, 2017
Q: I am helping my sister with her work RRSP in which she has to choose which funds to invest in and just want to know if you were to increase a fund from 2.5% to 5% (Real Estate) and sell some units in another fund that is 24% (Income Growth)of her total holding would you sell 2.5% all at once or best to sell over a period of time? She has 10 years before retiring.

Read Answer Asked on February 17, 2017
Q: Hi Peter & Co.,
Fabrice Taylor made an interesting comment on ALA on today's Market Call show. He said his analysis of ALA's cash flow statement suggests that the dividend is being funded through borrowing and equity raises, and not cash flow from operations. This is the first time I've heard a comment like this about ALA's dividend and its implications for the sustainability of the dividend. What's your take on this?
Many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Brian on February 17, 2017
Q: In replying to Jim regarding PLI being halted you mentioned that the company had issued a press release indicating there were no material events to account for the drop. The last press release listed on PLI's website is dated Feb 6. Neither the website of TSX nor IIROC mention PLI's press release. Where did you see it? Is it available to the general public? If so can you tell me where?

Read Answer Asked by Carlo on February 16, 2017