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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter, Ryan and team,

Earlier today I read the following report about insider selling at CRH.

"CRH Medical Corp. (CRH-T)
Tony Holler, the chairman of the board, sold 500,000 shares at a price of $9.10 per share on the final trading day of February. That same day, Ian Webb, who sits on the board of directors, sold 30,000 shares at a price of $9.194 per share, and fellow board member, David Johnson, reduced his portfolio holdings by 25,000 shares on March 3."

Should investors be concerned about this insider selling within a short period?

Thanks for your insight on this issue!
Read Answer Asked by Michel L on March 07, 2017
Q: I asked this question yesterday but you did not include Telus in you reply. Could you let me know your opinion of this company.
Read Answer Asked by Bruce on March 07, 2017
Q: Good Morning

I have owned this stock for years and I think I am emotionally involved with it as I am reluctant to sell it. I do like the concept of airborne surveys but there are over 53 million shares outstanding. This of course is in my risk portfolio. I am trying to make the decision to sell and thinking of replacing it with ITC or PHO. Need your assisstance to convince me to sell and which of the two would you replace it with?

Read Answer Asked by Wayne on March 07, 2017
Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
Jim Mackey Ex.V.P. at Blackberry quietly left the company in Feb. after 3.5 years on the job. What should we make of this? Is this a serious blow to the company or is Mr.Chen capable of attracting an equally talented person. I realize there could be numerous reasons... including his pessimism going forward. On the other hand he may be just burned out after working hard and doing a good job and wants a change. Have you heard anything. In other words should an investor be overly concerned and run for the exit...which is what some did today?
Thanks for your always valuable knowledge!
Dr.Ernest Rivait
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on March 07, 2017
Q: I recently purchased share certificates that included warrants, I have converted those certificates to actual cash shares and deposited them into my non-registered trading account. My question is this: when, or if the time comes that I am able to exercise those warrants, can I make that purchase from my TFSA trading account, even though the original shares those warrants came with were deposited into a different account? Eg., each warrant allows me to buy one share at .10 while each share certificate trades at $1.00 and I have 10,000 warrants. Can I exercise those 10,000 warrants using cash from my TFSA then place all 10,000 shares into my TFSA (a "transfer in kind" I am assuming)when the value will now be far greater and would far exceed my contribution limit. I am thinking it would be just like purchasing normal shares in my TFSA then they double or triple, if I were to be so lucky, I just don't know how the warrant is viewed by CRA
Read Answer Asked by dennis on March 07, 2017
Q: Hello, my question is about an article I read in CMS. Bill Gross says investors need to watch only one number in 2017 to figure out what returns are going to look like across the various markets, and that’s whether the 10-year Treasury yield crosses the 2.6% mark. As of today the 10-year yield is 2.48%. "If 2.6% is broken on the upside...a secular bear bond market has begun," Gross said. "Watch the 2.6% level. Much more important than Dow 20,000. Much more important than $60-a-barrel oil. Much more important than dollar/euro parity at 1.00. It is the key to interest rate levels and perhaps stock prices in 2017."
So my questions are, what will happen if it crosses the 2.6% mark? Does this mean that the yield on bond ETFs such as XBB and VSB will increase? Does this mean that this will be good for the stoch market in general? What is a secular bear bond market?Regards, Gervais
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on March 07, 2017