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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have a small position in MU ... less than 1%.
It's up about 50% since I purchased about 8 months ago.
I'm concerned that as semiconductor prices are increasing, there may be increased production from other competitors and that the market may become oversupplied.
Should I hold on or is the stock becoming long in the tooth .. in which case should I sell?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on March 14, 2017
Q: Argonaut Gold has recently announced that it has rescheduled its fourth quarter and year end results to March 20 after the market closes with a conference call and webcast the next morning at 8:30. When a company reschedules its financial results can this be a concern. In particular do you have any insight as to why Argonaut has announced this change. Also I noticed that they did not have a booth at PDAC this year. Am not sure if this is important or not. By the way I enjoyed and appreciated reading the recent blog on PDAC. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on March 13, 2017
Q: Aside from the market cap, which is pretty obvious, could you explain the difference between these two funds. In particular why/how BGI pays almost twice the dividend. I have held BIP for quite a while and done really well with it, but can't help looking at BGI.
Read Answer Asked by grant on March 13, 2017
Q: AcuityAds (AT.v) reported excellent quarterly and year-end operating results this week, while showing impressive growth and execution from its acquisition of 140 Proof. Their acquisition of U.S.-based Visible Measures announced on Thursday seems unbelievably cheap and financing it at a 6% discount very reasonable. Liquidity remains an issue though some of the founders are releasing more of their extensive holdings as part of today's financing to increase supply.

Is 5i getting closer to having a look under the hood?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on March 13, 2017