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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning:
I am a retired investor who owns small weightings in the above-mentioned shares. I am thinking of selling Ford and re-investing the money elsewhere while still having a position in the auto sector with the other two companies. I would like your thoughts on this and how you think this sector will perform in 2017. Have auto sales peaked?
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Isabel on January 09, 2017
Q: Hello 5i
I have been using Preferred shares as fixed income strategy but would like to ask for your recommendation on traditional bond ETF and a Mutual Fund. (volatility dampening and downside risk protection)
Can you comment on return expectation and whether one should just stay in cash instead of select a bond investment?

Is there another strategy or investment that may be a consideration for inclusion in a well diversified equity portfolio to accommodate volatility dampening like Government bonds are suppose to do(but do not like 0 or negative return)?

Read Answer Asked by Dave on January 09, 2017
Q: Hi Peter and gang,

I notice that 5i's Income Model Portfolio sold its full position in DH as of Nov 30,2016, was the decision based solely on the fact that DH had recently reduced its dividend payout significantly or other factors were also at play? If yes, what are these factors?

I am currently down by about 35% on DH, just wondering if I should hold or sell. If I were to sell my full position and put the money on something else such as Kinaxis or Premium Brand. And of these 2 companies, which one is your preference?

Thanks and much appreciated.

Read Answer Asked by Harry on January 08, 2017
Q: I am just looking to expand my breadth of knowledge in the 'self driving car space.' With the exception of Texas Instruments (which I already own). Are there any other companies with exposure to this area that look like interesting investments?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Liam on January 06, 2017
Q: 5i Team:
thanks for all the help in 2016 !!.
The idea is to capture the electrification process of our society. It is a slow, but secure process/trend, in particular if use of electric cars increases, and robots and so on. This means more elect power will be required. Are Fortis (despite increase in interes rates) and Stella Jones good candidates ??. If not, are there other safe companies to capture the trend.
Also, if interest rates go up, would not ECI benefit more ?, as more people would preffer to rent than buy due to increase cost of capital.
thanks again ! Should I start buying now ?

Read Answer Asked by Alejandro (Alex) on January 06, 2017
Q: Hello 5i. I know you don't follow US companies but hopefully you can help me out with this one. I am looking at some refiners and narrowed it down to Valero and Philipps 66. Warren Buffet holds this company and is his 7th largest holding and has been accumulating shares throughout 2016. What do you think of the company PSX and what effect will the rising price of oil have on PSX revenue? Will rising interest rates affect it?
Read Answer Asked by pietro on January 06, 2017
Q: Hello 5i
My main question is similar to a previous one.
We have 2 RRSP, 2TFSA, 1 non-registered, 1 non-reg. corporate accounts. We are presently with a full service broker(approx. 140 positions), but will be transferring to a discount broker. We are now taking income, mostly from the corporate account.
1)Would you suggest treating them as one when we build our new portfolio?
2)Our intentions are to have 30-35 positions. Is there a point where spreading over too many different accounts can make the portfolio less effective?
Thank you in advance, Bill
Read Answer Asked by William on January 06, 2017
Q: hello 5i:
I'm having a bit of trouble with the specifics of taxation on US dividends, on stocks held within a TFSA. I'll ask it in 2 parts. Perhaps the following example will put this one to bed. If we hold XYZ, a fictitious US company paying a $1 dividend (simplifying as much as possible), then a 15% witholding tax is applied. Correct so far. Now, are the remaining dividends ($0.85/share) taxed again, or are they free and clear?
Part 2: do the US dividends received from XYZ have to be declared in annual income tax reporting?
thanks for your help
Paul L
Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 06, 2017
Q: OTC is MOST confusing:
1)Open Text Corporation (NASDAQ:OTEX) announced that its board has approved a 2-for-1 share split of the outstanding common shares of OpenText . The share split will be implemented by way of a share dividend.
PAYABLE Jan. 24; for shareholders of RECORD Jan. 9.

2) The detailed blurb then says:A due bill is an entitlement attached to listed securities undergoing a material corporation action, such as the Share Split. In this instance, anyone purchasing a Common Share during the period commencing at the opening of business two trading days prior to the Record Date (i.e., Thursday, January 5, 2017) and ending on the Payment Date (i.e., Tuesday, January 24, 2017), inclusive (the "due bill period"), will receive a payable right. Any trades that are executed during the due bill period will be flagged to ensure purchasers receive the entitlement to the additional Common Share issuable as a result of the Share Split.

Based on the above, should I buy Jan/5, 9 or 24? Does it even make any differenc?
Thanks, Austin
Read Answer Asked by Austin on January 06, 2017