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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi there,

I follow the BE portfolio fairly closely and will be adding positions in CLS and GUD shortly. I can purchase them in either an RRSP or a cash account as my TFSA is already maxed out with growth names in them. Would the two names be better held in an RRSP or in a cash account for optimal tax efficiencies?

Thanks for your great services!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 31, 2017
Q: The pop in SP of MX in the last two days seems to be solely driven by the majority shareholder's publicly expressed dissatisfaction with its management. I seem to recall a similar "public spat" on IBM and it did not seem to achieve any change in that company. Management being "called out" by shareholders in those cases would only feel resentment and would seldom give into those demands - just human nature I guess.

Do you feel this is heading the same way, or would it lead to the demanded changes in MX? I see that the SP chart of MX has been escalating of late so perhaps this publicly expressed dissatisfaction is the catalyse that may proper MX to the next level.

Love to have your view on this matter. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Victor on March 31, 2017
Q: I hold the balanced portfolio complete and have 20% of my total portfolio in the u.s. i like cgnx and evi but am looking at possibly some canadian stocks that would mirror these two or be part of the solutions. Could you please give me your thoughts on this matter and your recommendation of some stocks that would fit the bill.
Read Answer Asked by gene on March 30, 2017
Q: I must be naive.I thought conference calls would be a grilling of the ceo. I have been reading the transcripts and they are usually love ins with analysts asking softball questions. Nothing has changed. I presume at the end of call the analyst hangs a strong buy on the stock and the other side of the bank calls the ceo preparing the placement to sell more shares. I think this would good info for followers of 5i since every other question on Bnn
Market call asks what the analysts rate the stock which drives me crazy.

Could you email the list of great canadian ceos I missed it?
Read Answer Asked by ian on March 30, 2017
Q: My emerging markets exposure is currently 100% weighted in India via Farifax India HLDGS. I am looking at adding either Russia (RSX) or South Africa (FAH-U) to the mix. Which country do you feel has the better growth potential or is there a third country you prefer at this time? Is this targeted country focus better than an emerging markets ETF like ZEM?
Your thoughts and feedback is greatly appreciated and I understand this is outside of your coverage universe
Read Answer Asked by Craig on March 30, 2017