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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Within my energy holdings, I have full positions in SU, CNQ, and IMO. I would like to sell one of these 3 and add to my existing VET holdings (I also have full positions in WCP and TOU). Taking into account my desire to have a good balance between oil and gas production, and optimal future capital gains prospects, which of the 3 (SU, CNQ, IMO) would you sell? Also, please provide the percentage of revenue for each of the 6 companies mentioned, that is derived from Canada's oil sands...thx..Glenn
Read Answer Asked by Glenn on January 26, 2017
Q: I am looking to sell my Energy stock holdings as I move all of my portfolio to ETF's - I am looking for a bit more stability in the energy sector as well as income - I have a 10 yr horizon and can live with some moves with the market - Can you recommend a couple good ETF's that focus on Income from Energy and Energy services - Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ron on January 26, 2017
Q: Hi Peter and Team:
I am interested in some comments about both FFN (North American Financial 15 Split) and PIC.a Both trade on the TSX but act like a mutual fund with a small 'mer'.
FFN pays a monthly dividend of 0.10 and its yield is about 13.07% at a trading price of $9.18
PIC.a pays a quarterly dividend of 0.20319 and its yield is about 11.30% at a trading price of $7.20.
I really like high paying dividends, as we all should but,,,,
I have been invested in PIC.a since April 2004. This has consistently paid quarterly since that time. It was a DRIP until a few years ago. Now it strictly pays Cash. This cash is 'Return of Capital' and as such has no tax implications in my regular investment account???, I think. Is this a good or bad thing???
I own about 17% of my overall portfolio in PIC.a Some of this PIC.a Div cash is paying out into a RIF withdrawal, with minimal effects on the Capital in the RIF.
Now I am looking for your thoughts on FFN as I diversify a bit more and of course feedback on PIC.a
Thanks. Ken .....
Read Answer Asked by Ken on January 26, 2017
Q: I have noticed DGC doesn't go up with gold price. It went down a lot when gold price falls.
Prices range from low $17 to high $18. I bought in around $20, should I wait until it goes up to that price or sell it now with a loss and buy small caps stocks: Tog, BTE, SPE,Gte,Ivn, Kdx and Nsu.
I also want to switch from Wrn to CS or ROG.
Would like your thought about these.
Don Vialoux said gold seasonal strength until first week of March?
Please remove private in my previous question.
Thank so much.
Read Answer Asked by Hue on January 26, 2017