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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter, I have the above real estate plays (~2.5% each) in my RRSP along with a good mix of other 5i non-real estate income and growth picks (~62.5%) plus ~30% cash at present. Is this a reasonable mix (TCN, HOT, SRT) ? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 27, 2017
Q: Hi 5i,

I am looking to add a gold producer as portfolio insurance and am relatively well balanced in other sectors. I am looking for a company that has strong growth opportunity over my timeframe (10+ years). I am 23 and can handle volatility but want to avoid producers that are exposed to foreign government risks at their mines. What would be your top pick for a producer that has opportunity for pure growth over this timeframe regardless of how commodity prices are behaving? I know you always like AEM or FNV but I feel they are more slow growth. I am leaning toward BTO or MUX right now. I would appreciate your thoughts here.

Thanks as always,


Read Answer Asked by Joe on January 27, 2017
Q: Hi,

I have held fairfax for several years, primarily as a hedge against negative market events. With the trump election win, and the unwinding of many of fairfax's bearish hedges, it now seems to trade much more in lock step with my other financials (bfs, slf, ry). Do you still feel fairfax offers a good hedge against negative market events? If not, what you would generally recommend in it's place?


Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 27, 2017
Q: When doing my research, I have a defined method that includes 5I views but also Morningstar (for Quantitative view) Thomson Reuters for fundamental views and forward looking views and if buying USA stocks Bloomberg. Recently my brokerage made S&P research available and I am finding contradictions in how seemingly same facts are both viewed and presented. There are several quantitative S&P views on stocks that give "sell" ratings while the others give positive ratings. I was wondering if you use any of these sites for information an if you have a bias towards one being more accurate then another. Thanks Jim
Read Answer Asked by James on January 27, 2017
Q: What are you thoughts on RDM's results, new contract wins, outlook and dividend increase? On their investor call, management indicated that hardware sales should recover nicely over the balance of the fiscal year and payment process services should strengthen further as results a large bank deployment happening in the current quarter. Cash is at $31.2M US.
Read Answer Asked by Charles on January 27, 2017