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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i
I'm interested in adding Altagas to my portfolio. I curently have 15 stocks which range from 4 to 8%....(AGU-BEP.UN-CAR.UN-CGX-CSU-KWH.UN-ENF-FTS-IPL-STN-SLF-T-TD-VET-WSP). This is a registered dividend/income account (rrsp). I would appreciate your view on either replacing a weak stock in this account or just adding to it. If you can think of a better stock than ALA i'm open for suggestions. Thanks Gilles
Read Answer Asked by Gilles on April 04, 2017
Q: I have been holding onto POT for several years. I am down about 50%, and this position has turned into a very small holding (about 0.5%), as my portfolio has grown significantly since I took the position many years ago. I was holding it up until now because it paid a decent dividend, and I held out hope that the company would rebound, but now with the dividend cut, the only hope that I have for the stock is that it might improve after the merger with AGU. If I sell, I would likely use it to increase my holdings in CSH.UN and GUD. Should I hold on, or just cut my losses?
Read Answer Asked by Domenic on April 04, 2017
Q: Assuming no investment boundaries what so ever (i.e. risk tolerance, time horizon, diversification, loss of principle, etc) and you wanted to invest a large but comfortable amount of money in one company for a "go big or go home" result which company would you invest in?
Read Answer Asked by Ryan on April 04, 2017
Q: Since Canadian Reits have to distribute out their capital gains [and hence NOT reinvest in new properties] and with declining ROC components.....Is it time to re-invest in Canadian dividend stocks for those of us who depend on a rising stream of income.

Our reits face unfair competition from pension funds, which can reinvest capital gains tax free.

I have been in Cdn Reits since the late 1990's. Is it time to 'kiss then good bye'?


Read Answer Asked by PAUL on April 04, 2017
Q: For US stock exposure, is it better to hold the CAD or USD version. Does the CAD version have and exchange fees. Does it hedge out currency exposure.
Also as its traded on the TSX, I understand its does not count as a US stock holding so no US estate tax exposure for non-registered accounts. Are there other similar ETF's
Read Answer Asked by Lloyd on April 04, 2017
Q: Hi Peter,
I have accumulated a large position in Helio Resource at 2.50 cents average cost. Brad Mills (CE Mining) has been "keeping the lights on" by exercising his warrants at 5 cents even though HRC bid at 2.5 cents at the time!! I've spoken to HRC management about my concern of a share consolidation (and subsequent drop in HRC share price). They assure me that any share consolidation would be part of a "transaction" and won't hurt the share price. Any idea what they mean by that ???
Neighbour Shanta Gold is performing really well under its new CEO and they would be an obvious candidate for a "transaction" with HRC. Also... Amy Freedman of Kingsdale here in Toronto become a Director of Mandalay in May 2016. This makes me think MND is thinking of a "transaction" sometime in the future. Comments?? Thanks, Ralph.
BTW, Amy Freedman bought 20,000 shares of MND at $0.59 on March 31/17.
Read Answer Asked by Ralph on April 04, 2017
Q: I am holding smaller positions in all three in a fairly well balanced RSP but I need to convert to a RIF in a couple of years.
Is it time to let these go into some more conservative dividend growers or would you suggest I maintain a balance in my RIF similar to your income and balanced portfolios??
Thanks as always,
Read Answer Asked by Linda on April 04, 2017
Q: Your updated report on Knight Therapeutics gives six A+ ratings and one A. Did you arrive at an A- overall rating due to management risk concerning CEO Goodman's possible health issues? With the present management team, is there eventually a possibility that his departure, for whatever reason, would not diminish the company due to existing talent?
How likely is it that Endo would sell Paladin to Knight? Is that not the ultimate embarrassment - selling a company for which you paid a fortune - for a song?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on April 04, 2017
Q: What are your thoughts on Crown Castle International (CCI in the US) as a long term stable force in a portfolio? I'm looking for stability and some growth in Communications in the US. Would this also double as a REIT?

In terms of its competition, how would you rank CCI against American Tower and SBA Communications? ... and here's the naive part of the question, but ... do these tower companies hold footing in Canada as well, or what would be the equivalent for a Canadian holding?

Read Answer Asked by Sylvia on April 04, 2017
Q: I currently hold BPY, but am considering selling it for a small
profit and buying BIP for more growth.
Or would I do better to sell AD at a substantial loss, put the proceeds to work in BIP and hang on to BPY
Your thoughts please.
Thank you very much
Read Answer Asked by george on April 04, 2017