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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Do you know of a good site to get a list of the largest market gains and losses during the trading day. It would seem like a relevant piece of data, but I haven't been able to locate it.
In addition, do you know a site which shows the list of largest absolute dividends paid by Canadian and us companies? In Canada the banks must lead the pack. In. The us I'm thinking xom or the big telcos. If not, wondering if other readers know. Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on April 07, 2017
Q: Hi, I try to stay away from companies that pay dividends as return of capital, mostly because of the tax issues.
Do all investors who do there own taxes keep up on the ACB, as it is sometimes only a % of the total distribution? And do they even know if their stock has a ROC?
Also I don't get it,if the company cannot afford the high dividend and relys on ROC, why are they paying it in the fist place. 3 to 5 % seems about right, anything after that is a bit of a gamble.
What am I missing, seems like a complication I can do without,especially if you have 8+ stocks

Read Answer Asked by Brad on April 07, 2017
Q: Is it time to average my cost on precision drilling. Own it at $13.00. Insiders are buying. I have held it for so long it seems ridiculous to sell it now but I do not want to wait another four years to maybe get back to even. Is there something better out there to put the measly funds I have left in this company?
Read Answer Asked by Helen on April 07, 2017
Q: Is the current yield 1.32% less the 0.65% MER or is the yield after the MER has been taken out? The yield seems low. Is there another ETF in the same Consumer Discretionary sector which has a higher yield?

Usually when companies have a low dividend they are often growth companies. Does this ETF behave in the same growth like fashion?

If I understand correctly XCD is CAD hedged. Are there any US ETF's in the same sector which are not currency hedged?

Read Answer Asked by James on April 07, 2017
Q: I am having trouble finding the answer to my tax question. I hope you can help. My husband and I were joint owners of a rental building which we sold in 2016. There are considerable capital gains. I have realized capital losses from past years (from sale of shares)that I can apply to my portion of the capital gains. Can I transfer some of these to my husband to apply to his portion of the capital gains on the rental building? He does not have any capital losses. Thank you for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Thea on April 07, 2017
Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
I realize you do not cover USA stocks! I do not need any in-depth analysis. The stock spiked up 15.7% today and I do not see any announcements. I am wondering if they got a new contract or just because Europe may have better economic growth. Can you see anything on the "wire"?
Thanks for your help...
Dr.Ernest Rivait
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on April 07, 2017