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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter, I am 78% down on RMP as i bought it in 2015. What do you think would be the natural gas outlook going forward 3 years? Should i just keep holding it for next 3 years? As there is not much risk on the balance sheet. can the stock go higher if even nautal gas prices does not go up? What is the analyst estimate on bloomberg? What is the future eps or cashflow growth prohection? Much appreciated!!
Read Answer Asked by Sridip on February 03, 2017
Q: I believe the main reason for the sudden drop in HWO over the past few days is that a stock advisory service, which had been recommending HWO as a buy for the last few years, suddenly issued a SELL recommendation, due to risk of lower oil prices and declining cash flows. The notice came out at 10:00 AM Pacific Time (1PM EST) on Wed, and the stock price dropped immediately on sudden large volume.
Read Answer Asked by Ed on February 03, 2017