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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: How material is the announcement of a settlement in the dispute over intellectual property (Photon Control Announces Completion of Settlement Agreement with Photon R&D [source: CW]) to the medium-term prospects for PHO?

This has been a long-term, ultimately successful, investment for me which I started buying in 2006 for an average price of $0.18, so volatility is not a big concern.

Thanks for your informative insight.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on April 10, 2017
Q: Currently have no materials stocks. In the recent past I have owned cco, teck.b and hbm but as short term holds on weakness/momentum. Looking to add a longterm hold in materials but I am having trouble falling in love with SJ mainly due to the past 12 month stock, relatively low div of 1% and the general high for the sector PE of 18. CCL isn't a classic "materials" stock although I like the look of the price movement.

Can you make your case for me to jump on the SJ and CCL 5i bandwagon and/or suggest a few other options.

Working on matching the balanced equity portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by Tom on April 10, 2017
Q: Recently some US shipping companies have made major gains. Rather than chase a high performer such as DSX I am interested in its preferred, DSX.PR.B, which is also moving up but more slowly with less volatility and with a high yield of around ten percent. (Another possibility: SB and SB.PR.C) Your advice, please. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Kurt W on April 10, 2017
Q: I hold the above companies (pretty much at equal weights) in my Utilities portfolio. I need to trim because I am overweight in the sector. Perhaps I should reduce the number of holdings by 1 full position. May I please have your opinion. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Terry on April 10, 2017
Q: As a new member, I am puzzled by the composition of the Coverage Summary spreadsheet and accompanying 70-company report database. Perhaps I am missing something, but it seems to me that the research database would be more useful to an investor if it contained 70 companies all of which are highly rated. I don't understand the rationale for including companies that are rated lower than B. There must be more Canadian companies that would fall into the A or B categories. It also puzzles me that many of the companies in the model portfolios are not covered by the research.

In summary, would it be possible to include some notes on the website or accompanying the spreadsheet/database explaining how the 70 companies were chosen, how this research is to be used by an investor, and how and when companies are added or removed from the coverage.

Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on April 10, 2017
Q: CGX has been flat for me over the past few years, and I'm thinking of selling my position and investing it in something else in the consumer sector. Do you have a preference between L, ATD.B, or DOL? Is there another name I should be considering?
Read Answer Asked by James on April 10, 2017
Q: When I see a company say that they are redeeming senior notes for example due in 2021. What does that mean? Is that good for the stock. Is it something they do because they may be putting themselves up for sale at a future date and don't want to have any debt outstanding? Please excuse my ignorance but I need to be educated on why a company redeems senior notes or whatever other notes early. Is it just because they have the cash to do so and it reduces the cost of their debt? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Helen on April 10, 2017
Q: I am retired. I have a small locked-in RIF (100k) and I will start to withdraw the maximum amount permitted this year. So far, the money was invested in 3 Gics of an equal amount. That approach suited me when the interest rates were higher . But, since the interest rates remain low it does not work anymore.
I need a higher return and i want to protect the capital and keep things simple.
I am willing to put 50% in fix income and 50% in equity with dividends.

1) what will be the most efficient way to invest that money?
2) For the fix income ,should I use monthly income fund like Pimco or Sentry NCE 1032?
3) Which Etf or fund can I use for the equity portion and in which proportion?

The balanced portfolio was launched in March. In your report, does the annual return refers to the calender year or the 12-month period ending on March of each year?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Monique on April 10, 2017
Q: I did last year forex trading and have $300. loss do I follow same TAX rule as stock.

If you are not aware of forex rule can you please guide me.

Are you aware of any membership site for TAXES that can give the same service as you do for stocks.

I want to join your ETF membership do I wait until my renewal so both will expire same time or I join now and will expire both at the same time.
Do you have estimated time when you will have portfolio setup for ETF and do you have to be an ETF member to have access to ETF portfolio

Thanks for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Hector on April 10, 2017