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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I hold WCP and CHP.UN (and have for a few years)and looking to replace one or both for SIA.
Of course they are different sectors however I am looking for best choice for future growth and safety of dividend.Held in non registered account.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 13, 2017
Q: With roll-ups like Constellation, don't things tend to end badly? They reach a certain size and can no longer acquire enough companies to expand at 10-20% yearly, it is just an exponential mathematical equation that they cannot acquire every tech company in the known world so growth has to slow down radically eventually. CSU is competing in larger spaces with more competition and fewer companies than their classical 5-40 million revenue companies that they have acquired historically. Is this not a major concern with CSU here?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 13, 2017
Q: Hi,

I contribute monthly to my family's RESP, but as the value of the family plan grew I've started to question what happens with the money if they don't go to school.

Turns out both myself and the gov't get our capital back (no taxes) plus the earnings on the investment (taxable), plus 20% tax (the gov'ts share, I suppose).

My concern is that I'm prioritizing my RESP contribution over my TFSA contribution (thus not maxing out my TFSA). In your opinion, should I be prioritizing TFSA contribution over RESP?
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on April 13, 2017
Q: Does the drop this week imply a falling knife situation.
How serious would you interpret the arbitration payout to be moving forward.
Does QCOM have the cash flow to cover this?
Will they need to go into debt to manage this?

Do you still feel this is a company fundamentally worth buying or too much negative momentum?

Read Answer Asked by Ernest on April 13, 2017
Q: Good morning 5i team,

I’m considering moving on from Linamar and CGI group in search of better growth prospects. I still like both companies, and believe they still have a good outlook, however, after holding each for some time I’ve been growing restless with the share prices seemingly stuck in the mud. Perhaps I’m just being impatient, but I cant help but wonder if these holdings are dead money. At least for the next year or two anyway.

I’m considering switching out Linamar for either New Flyer Industries, or Premium Brands Holdings, and CGI for either Kinaxis or Celestica.

Could you please give your opinion on whether it’s worth being patient with LNR/GIB.A, or a good idea to move on? And if moving on is recommended, would you consider the alternatives I’ve mentioned as good replacements with growth for the next 1-2 years in mind?

As always, thank you for your excellent insight and advice.
Read Answer Asked by Tristan on April 13, 2017
Q: I have the fixed income section of my portfolio (about 20%) invested in 1-4 yr GIC ladders earning virtually nothing after inflation. This money is there to stabilize the portfolio and provide an emergency fund in the event of a very significant need for funds, but hopefully never needed. I also have 50% of my portfolio in large cap dividend paying equities that provide income in excess of current requirements so would only draw on the GIC money if the cash need was quite large.
Is there any other investment you might recommend for the fixed income portion of my portfolio that would provide similar safety and liquidity but improve returns in a rising rate environment? Thanks for the help. Jim.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on April 13, 2017