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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I apologies; I mis-phrased my question. The DRIP investments would be in addition to the TFSA and RSP investments (in different securities). As I understand things, a DRIP with a company sponsored plan such as TRP thru Computershare cannot be held inside a registered account. Is this correct? If so the $5k position in the non-registered (DRIP) account would not amount to a $25k per stock concentration and I believe the dividend tax credit would be useful since the account is non-registered. Thank you for your suggestions and service. I like your suggestions but a little surprised that a utility such as FTS was not recommended. Is there a reason you would not suggest a utility DRIP for a long term hold? Jim.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on June 30, 2017
Q: I own everything in the Balanced Equity portfolio except the following: AEM, CLS, AND CSU. I have cash available from the DH buy-out. Which of these or any other stocks in your coverage universe would you recommend based on current valuation and outlook?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on June 30, 2017
Q: I have repatriated my holdings from a full service broker and now using a self directed account to manage the portfolio.
I wish to construct an Income Porfolio and a Balanced Portfolio look a like. To that end can you list the first five holdings from each portfolio that you would be first to acquire in, order of preference if possible?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on June 30, 2017
Q: Hello team,
Can you suggest 3 or 4 Canadian REITS that pay a dividend over 6% that you would be happy with for an income investor? And can you rank them? Thank you for all that you do!
Read Answer Asked by Pamela on June 30, 2017
Q: Hi there, not really a stock specific question but more a psychological/behavioural question. Based on your experience, how often should one look at their portfolio? I, probably like many others, look at my portfolio far too frequently. I suspect this can be stress inducing and can lead to more possible losses than gain? How often do you recommend one to look at their portfolios? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 30, 2017
Q: Hi, I took a position in Open Text @$45 after release of recent quarterly results. The stock has been weak since and down 15% now. It has also not followed the general strength in the Technology sector and traded lower even when its peers KXS, CSU, DSG etc have gained in value. Analysts seem to be of view that stock is undervalued and market is not recognizing its strong recurring revenue base and expected growth from recent acquisitions.

Can you help me understand, why stock has been so weak and if a recovery is expected in next 6-12 months? I also own KXS, CSU,CGI and SYZ in Tech sector in fairly large quantities. For me it's a a question of capital allocation and find better opportunities. Thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on June 30, 2017
Q: Hallo 5I, Can you suggest similar ETFs in place of the above mutual funds. Also, the actual cost of a Mut.Fnd in view of the MER and Magt. Exp.Do
Many thanks, J.A.P. Burlington
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on June 30, 2017
Q: Morning folks,

Could you please comment in regards to establishing positions in good quality companies that are so called expensive. I hear money managers refer to companies as to rich and need to wait for a pullback before getting in. With some companies a pullback might not even happen. As a long term investor does it really matter when an investor buys in. Could you elaborate.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Mark on June 30, 2017
Q: Hello Peter,
I'd appreciate your insight.

What do you think about the suggestions that money is moving out of technology and some of it will find its way in the biotech sector? I do not hold any US tech but do hold the biggish position in IWO and IWM combined. With no fresh money, what do you think of reducing the positions in either or both IWM/IWO combine and invest in IBB?
The second aspect where I would like your thoughts is on the Financials both side of the border. With BOC likely to raise rates atleast once, the TSX may drift down, maybe even a sharp reaction. What do you think of reducing TSX exposure, buying US dollars and investing in US financials for the second half of the year?
As always, appreciate your views.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on June 30, 2017
Q: I currently hold ZBK-BMO Equal Wt US Banks Unhedged and I am considering with the strength in CDN$ adding ZUB-BMO Equal Wt US Banks Hedged to my portfolio. I prefer to hold Cdn$ ETFs that invest in US companies rather than buying those companies directly in US$. Would appreciate your comments on holding both these ETFs as a method of having more US Bank exposure and balancing the currency movements?
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on June 30, 2017