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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i.

I'm currently putting together my RRSP income portfolio.
My plans are to invest approx 50% stock or Stock-ETF and 50% secured.
At the moment 50% secured is in GICs.
I have 30% stock exposure now. ENB-BNS-EMA-BCE-SRU-ECI about 5% in each position.
I'm looking for ideas to diversify my last 20%.
It has taken me 6 months to put this together.

I look forward to your suggestions..

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on July 05, 2017
Q: Hi, can you rank these companies as I'd like to start a long term core position in one or two of them. Please take current valuation and market environment into consideration.
Read Answer Asked by Jordan on July 05, 2017
Q: Hi 5i
I am heavily in financials 32% am working to diversify in my portfolio. I have listed a number of my invested companies. Investments are in Can. Cash, TFSA & RRSP heaviest in (RRSP)
I would like to re-invest in divided stocks and 2 ETFs. can you advise which would be best replaced and list a few that are in your top considerations.

Thanks, Scott
Read Answer Asked by Paulette on July 04, 2017
Q: This whole business about how the distribution is paid has got me confused. I bought BEP in my $us investorline account. Even though I bought it with the ticker BEP, it shows up on my transactions as BEP.UN. I phoned BMO investorline to confirm that there would be no currency exchange for the distributions when I purchased the stock. It does not show any conversion in my transaction history but I called today to confirm Again after reading the Q & A comments. I reside in Canada but my broker says the interest is paid in $US and there is no currency exchange. Am I missing something?
Read Answer Asked by Cheryl on July 04, 2017
Q: Thank you for your prompt reply to my question re PKI,AD.
I should have also asked that if you did not favour AD then could you recommend something else that has a decent yield and some positive movement in the near term.
Many thanks
Read Answer Asked by george on July 04, 2017
Q: Hi Team, One of the reasons I own these stocks is that each of them does a lot of business in the U.S. and I wanted that exposure. However, with the renegotiation of NAFTA I am concerned these companies may face some headwinds maintaining and growing their respective businesses. Trump's "buy american" could certainly force some U.S. companies to start looking for U.S. based partnerships rather than Canadian. What does the staff at 5iR think? Is 5iR recommending any action at this time for these types of Canadian companies? Thanks Team Chris
Read Answer Asked by Chris on July 04, 2017
Q: My original small % positions have become a problem - HWD is up 130% down to OSB (finally) +25%. Would you sell some of each or do you have a preferred listing of keepers?
Thanks for the service.
Read Answer Asked by James on July 04, 2017