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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good day Peter and Team, I too am impressed with your ability to limit the number of stocks in your portfolios. As I'm overweight in the financial sector and in the Canadian banking sector we hold BNS, TD, and BMO. I'm thinking of selling BMO at a slight gain, to deploy some extra funds for the Industrial sector where we're underweight. Aside from TNC, would you recommend adding to any of these Industrial stocks: EIF, KBL, SIS, or STN? I'd rather not buy a new Industrial stock unless there are compelling reasons to do so. As always, your advice and recommendations are of great value.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on July 07, 2017
Q: I expect to retire in a couple of years. About 80% of my money is managed professionally but I keep a small account to help me stay aware of the markets comings and goings. In my utilities holdings I have a full position in Fortis, about 3/4 position in BEP.UN and a small holding of NPI. I am thinking of adding to NPI as a source of income. Your report of last year was ok, but notes that it should be reviewed in the summer of 2017. Any new thoughts on NPI? Would you add to it, to one of the other two, or avoid them all pending changes in interest rates?

Thanks for all your help - though I don't ask a lot of questions I learn a lot from answers to questions posed by others.
Read Answer Asked by Dave on July 07, 2017
Q: looking to build a 5% weighting in consumer discretionary. hard sector to buy into given the Amazon effect. Had my eye on ULTA and SBUX for a while and they have pulled back to what looks like decent entry points. SBUX has an iconic brand and always seems to be able to grow the business. ULTA has done really well, seems to have good financials (very low debt) and good same store sales growth. how would you view these names in the cons disc space? would you have any better suggestions?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 07, 2017
Q: Would appreciate your comments regarding Globe and Mail article on EIF which raises the criticism that when you take the company's cash flow and capital expenses, as calculated and reported according to International Financial Reporting Standards, the company has never consistently made enough money to pay its dividend. EIF response was that the company's capital expenditures represent "investing in growth.
Read Answer Asked by richard on July 07, 2017
Q: My portfolio is somewhat light on consumer discretionary companies and I see that you favour this sector at the present time. Could you please explain your current support for the sector and suggest a few Canadian and American companies that you believe are fair value with solid growth prospects for the future. As always, I thank you for your appreciated opinions.
Read Answer Asked by Les on July 07, 2017
Q: I am underweight in Engh and have taken a hit on it since buying in at 60+. My tech holdings are a cumulative 18%. Would you recommend a full position now ( to 20%) after the big drop or sit on the sidelines. I have a long time horizon, and am wondering if the bloom is off the rose for Engh, or should I wait for the next quarterly earnings.

Thanks as always.

Read Answer Asked by Kelly on July 07, 2017
Q: I currently hold ZRE for income. If I were to replace it with 4-5 individual REITS, which ones should I pick, in addition to CSH.UN? Would ZRE or the portfolio of individual REITS be more appropriate for a long-term hold with equal consideration to distribution yield and safety of the distribution? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on July 07, 2017
Q: Hi Peter: I see another question on the % in each of the 10 sectors. Would it be possible for you to add this to the bottom of your 5i Coverage Summary each month with the up and down arrow if you feel a sector weight should be adjusted? I follow your sector %s and believe it helps me to sell high and buy low. The last time I saw this list energy was 5% and industrials was 20%. Thanks, John.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on July 07, 2017