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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I opened a self-directed RESP for my new born. Do you suggest starting with ETF's or specific stocks? If ETF's or stock, what do you suggest is a good starting investment and dollar amount for ETF or stock given that we have at least 18 years before needing the funds. If ETF's first at what point do we start investing in specific companies? I guess I'm also trying to get an idea of how to build my sons RESP portfolio.

Read Answer Asked by Jacquelyn on October 13, 2017
Q: Hi,
I am new to your website and service but find it great so far. I have not seen any discussion of stop loss orders. I use them on occasion to protect profits and cut losses, but sometimes with misgivings. Sometimes they save me money from a deteriorating position that I might otherwise be ambivalent about selling. Sometimes I just get stopped out and have to buy back higher. I am always trimming and adding and hence may be viewed more of a trader than a long-term investor, but that is my style. C'est la vie! Anyway, do you use stop losses in your portfolio management or do they not fit your approach to the market?
Read Answer Asked by Dave on October 13, 2017