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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What is the payout ratio on these two stocks? When i research there is conflicting information from a payout ratio of 60-70% to a high of over 175%.

What is the forward 1 year P/E ratios on these? Is this an important figure to watch?

Morningstar reports BIP.UN and BEP.UN free cash flow dropping 3 consecutive years and BEP.Un reporting Negative earnings. Would a short seller like the one on EIF pounce on this or do you view these companies as more safe?

Are these still good investments on a 10 year plus time horizon and would it be better held in a registered or unregistered account.

Read Answer Asked by Thomas on July 27, 2017
Q: Greetings, everyone.

I have a follow up to my previous question. What are the factors that give Algonquin Power and Crius Energy a more favourable view that Northland Power, right now, in your opinion?


Read Answer Asked by john on July 27, 2017
Q: Hi, currently I hold these stocks as part of my consumers staples. Thinking of selling L and moving funds into one of the other names. Which would be best? Can you rank these? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Keith on July 27, 2017
Q: Hi Peter and Company,

I currently have a position on RY, TD and BNS and I am thinking of moving some money from Canadian banks to US banks. So of the three aforementioned banks that I currently hold, which one would you take off the table and is there a U.S. bank that you can recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Harry on July 27, 2017
Q: I'm long CRH but I'm trying to consider all the negative outcomes that could take place. We are aware of the proposed code changes that will effect the reimbursement rate to CRH. But I keep hearing that private insurers will likely follow suit and cut back their reimbursement rate. If only the gov rate cut is factored into this big pull back could there possibly not be another big pull back if they cut back as well? I know CRH came out and stated what the hit to earnings would roughly be from GOV cuts but aren't the private insurers the majority of their income. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Adam on July 27, 2017
Q: Why is BNS and the other banks shares price decreasing lately? With the positive economic news and increase of interest rates, I would have thought that the bank shares would be moving higher.
With increasing interest rates and banks at attractive valuations, would it be a good time to go overweight in banks for an income investor who is attracted to the 3.7%+ yields and possible capital gains.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on July 27, 2017