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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am concerned about the US political situation. Should Trump manage to win the upcoming election and the US loses its democracy, I fear that this will not be good for the financial markets. Do you know what the results were in other countries that elected far right political parties? I have a sizable portfolio that is almost 50% weighted to the US. I would like to know how to prepare for this possibility short of selling all our US investments. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Richard on December 27, 2023
Q: Christmas Greetings 5i Team!
I've owned Parkland Fuel for about 10 years now, and lately the stock's done very well. With the new EV sales mandates announced by the Federal gov't, would you continue to own a company whose main business is gas stations and fuel distribution? I'm thinking most people who can afford EV's are also likely to own a single-family homes and will charge at home. Of course, there is also the possibility that these sales mandates will be scrapped with a change in gov't in two years' time. Is it best to sell now, wait to see what happens in the next election, or continue to hold long term?
Many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Brian on December 27, 2023
Q: What is your dividend and share price growth opinion on these 2 over the next 12 months? It seems that their primary revenue source is selling data which provides limited growth. They seem to have lost out on the content distribution sector and I don't see new growth areas for them. Where do you think their growth will come from? I currently hold both (which is not good) and am considering selling both. I had originally invested for share price growth and dividends.
Read Answer Asked by George on December 26, 2023
Q: Do you think that bonds from Brookfield property are at material risk of default? If I am understanding financial press, their credit ratings have dropped. But their values have gone up more than 5% recently.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on December 24, 2023
Q: Happy Holidays,
I have a question about tax efficiency on HISA ETF investments in non-registered accounts. Do the dividends received from these ETFs qualify for any dividends tax credits? Or are they being treated as interest income, such as GIC, which will be subject to the usual marginal tax rates?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Roger on December 23, 2023
Q: Hi there,

I'm looking to put my 2024 TFSA money into once concentrated bet. This would be a longterm hold (ie: decades possibly, if the story keeps getting better). Do you think LMN would be a good name that would qualify? If not, what would currently be a better bet?

Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 23, 2023
Q: Hi Peter,

From a risk-return perspective over the next five years, which is the better investment option? Purchasing an equal weighted investment in the magnificent seven, SPY, or QQQ? Please explain your rationale.

Thanks George
Read Answer Asked by George on December 23, 2023
Q: Hello Peter,
Any idea why topicus is not participating as much as lumine group. The stock seems to be held in the trading range in the low 90s. I thought the fundamentals for topicus was good.. I am still down on topicus and was wondering if i should take a loss and move onto to lumine group. Thanks very much
Read Answer Asked by umedali on December 23, 2023
Q: A follow up question on the previous answers on TFII acquisition of Daeske.

Does 5i feel like TFII did a good job of integrating the previous acquisition and therefore do we have confidence in there ability to integrate this larger one?

I'm concerned about the premium paid here and how much Goodwill is included and if we feel like TFII did a good job of closing the gap on the Goodwill of their previous acquisitions?

Read Answer Asked by Marc on December 23, 2023