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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter and 5i team,
We hold Enbridge in a taxable account and are considering trading to another company with better growth potential. We like the dividend but one anaylist says that all earnings are needed to support the dividend. He thinks the stock price is over valued raising warning flags. Another anaylist likes the name and thinks it is good value.
Enbridge is in the 5i income fund. Is 5i still confident in the company? Our position at present is flat.
Thank you for your opinion
Read Answer Asked by john on November 08, 2017
Q: Dear Sirs,
I am looking for 5 companies(Canadian and US ) that you feel would weather a good sized market correction well. I understand that the US is not a primary focus but would appreciate any names you feel comfortable suggesting as part of a grouping of 5 to 10 names. As an aside , would you view a holding of Berkshire Hathaway as meeting the above criteria.

With thanks
Read Answer Asked by Brad on November 08, 2017
Q: Good morning, There has been so much investor angst, and a sell-off in ENB, apparently because mgmt. did not refer to dividend increases in their Q3 conference call, thereby raising doubts. ENB has elevated debt following the Spectra acquisition (in what many see as a rising interest rate environment), and a large project pipeline to fund. Why would ENB mgmt. raise expectations in the first place (on increasing the dividend so dramatically, 10-12% per year for several years) while they KNEW they would need significant cash to reduce debt and fund future projects. Makes one wonder...... Would appreciate your insight. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Edward on November 08, 2017
Q: Congrats on the new web site. Most definitely a big step in the right direction. Excellent work! Thank You. Greatly appreciated.

Few questions re web site or web site related.

I recently saw that somebody asked you for the consensus estimates for AVO. You stated "$0.22 EPS; $107.7M revenue".
- Looking at your web site (assuming I properly understand) it shows current estimate (and for last 2 months) "$0.20 EPS". Are you using the same source for your data? I am hoping to be in sync.

- Does the web site provide consensus numbers for Revenue, Net Income in addition to EPS?

- Side question. Analyst consensus numbers - are these #s based on the top line and bottom line numbers or "adjusted" top line and adjusted bottom line or "adjusted diluted".... or can it vary from one company to another (as I feel I have seen situations of the latter)?

When referencing the company section, are there restrictions to which companies you have in your database. I tried to access Amedisys (AMED on Nasdaq). No luck. Same challenge with CNI (on NYSE) but CNR present.

On multiple occasions there are questions pertaining to P/E in the Q&A. You always mention that you use forward looking P/E. Is the web site providing the forward P/E or other? Hoping to be in sync.

What is the update frequency for the "News and Media" section in the Company section?

Thank You!
Read Answer Asked by Walter on November 08, 2017