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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What is your opinion of AP.UN in today's rising interest environment? I know some REITs will be hurt if interest rates rise a lot, but it seems to me that Allied might not be hit as hard as some because it has some unique properties which many tenants will still be happy to lease. I have held AP for many years, and am considering adding more.
Read Answer Asked by Jack on December 04, 2017
Q: My wife's adviser is recommending the following mutual fund for her RRSP. Could I get your opinion on the Edgepoint Global portfolio Mutual fund. Fund code- EDG100. MER around 2.13% about 6 billion under management- past returns have been strong. I am always cautious when I see such high MER's. Do you think this is a good one fund solution, if you went with ETF's instead of this mutual fund which ones would you recommend?
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Kyle on December 04, 2017
Q: Which of the above stocks would you consider having the greatest growth potential within the next one to two years with the least amount of downside risk? Can you please provide your rationale for your choice.
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on December 04, 2017
Q: I have a small position in Rocky Mountain Dealerships. I saw recently a regular increase in value. Since I now make a small profit, I would like to know if I should keep it or change for something else. What would be the benefits and the perspectives of keeping it? and if you think that it would be preferable to change for something else having more value, what would be your suggestions for replacement?
Read Answer Asked by Michel on December 04, 2017