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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have a basket of small miners including VIT, GGD, MYA, MTU, in my trading account. Together they make up about 1/4 of my precious metals position which is about 6% now in the trading account. Can I get your opinion on these specific companies? Would you prefer others? I am bullish on gold and silver for the short and mid-term, how about you guys at 5i?
Read Answer Asked by Randy on October 16, 2017
Q: What is your present view on this company for the next 3 to 5 years. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on October 16, 2017
Q: Hi, i am looking to add some of these names to my portfolio. I want long term growth. I am young and can hold 5 years plus. Please ignore sector diversification. Can you rank best to worst. Can you also comment on significant valuation differences? IE MG versus NFI or WPK. Is it simply business earnings stability? Because it appears growth in Magna earnings is quite significant even relative to NFI or WPK.
Read Answer Asked by Jordan on October 16, 2017
Q: Ubisoft, Actvision Blizzard, Nintendo , all these gaming companies are gaining in value.

Are any of these good investments. There might be other related companies that maybe cheaper and may also gain in value. Just like to know your thoughts.

Thanks so much. Barry from Montreal
Read Answer Asked by Barry on October 16, 2017
Q: Thanks for all you do to help us in the market. Presently I have the following exposure to both Canadian + US financials
- Canadian: BND ,RY,TD.
My exposure to this sector in total is 22% of my US + Canadian Portfolio. I would like to purchase another $100,000 (Cad) in Canadian banks to take advantage of the Dividends. PS the funds are presently in a bank account that collects very low reruns. Should I wait for a pullback? or go ahead without trying to time the market also what is the risk of my exposure being so heavily weighted to US + Canadian Financials? PS Interesting that PYPL has returned 40% in the last 14 mths + BNS just over 30%. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on October 16, 2017
Q: Speaking from a momentum perspective, can you please provide 5 of your favorite momentum plays for a med risk ,div income investor?
great service, many txs
Read Answer Asked by adam on October 16, 2017
Q: I bought AGT in order to diversify into the Agricultural space (this is the only investment I have in the Agri sector.) Since I bought the shares AGT kept loosing its value. What is your recommendation? "Sell", "Hold" or Buy more. My inclination was to sell due to its high debt, however when Prem Watsa invested in the company I thought there was some value to be gained. What are your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Jacob on October 16, 2017