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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have owned shares in Smart Real estate for many years and still have a profit of 115%. I have a well balanced portfolio. I was wondering if it is worth keeping (considering it has been losing value over the last year) or would it be better to pay the tax and invest in something else? I do not depend on the income. Could you also comment on its last quarter report?
Read Answer Asked by jacques on December 06, 2017
Q: I am about to manage my grandkids resp. They have about 52000 to eventually cover the 10 and 6 year old. Monthly contributions of 300 are being made with some "top ups" as available. I would like to have them invest about 20-25% in individual stock or stocks and the balance in ETFS. How should I approach the ETF portion and do you have recommendations?
Read Answer Asked by Bryan on December 06, 2017
Q: I have a question about two companies.

11.6% of XX shares were acquired by Campbell at 39.5 cents. The stock was halted and it dropped after the halt was removed to around 33 cents. Do you think there is something cooking or it is just pure speculation. Would you recommend buying If already owned.

CHH dropped a lot due to CEO resignation and the shares dropped. I already had some shares at 63 cents and I bought more at 53. Is this a good company for one year time frame. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Imtiaz on December 06, 2017
Q: My Daughter will be contributing to her TFSA this year (Value of about 50K).
What 5 stocks would you suggest for someone starting out who has many years to contribute and watch the account grow?
Read Answer Asked by Rudy on December 06, 2017
Q: Hello Peter,
I have a 2.5% portfolio weight in energy stocks, constituting of HWO (down -33%) PONY (-76%) RRX (-31%) TOU (-53%) and WCP (-41%).
Should I sell all and crystallize the loss for tax purposes or are there any that you would suggest holding on? What percentage of the portfolio would you allocate to energy at this time and perhaps suggest 3-5 names in order of preference that I could invest either now or 30 days later when I can buy my tax loss divestment.
As always your opinion is greatly appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on December 06, 2017
Q: I have held Summit for a bit over a year and been happy with it - but - this is the third equity offering in 12 months, which is becoming rather frustrating. Does this seem excessive for a company of this size and in this sector? Could you comment on their debt, payout, this latest offering and the company in general? I hold it mainly for sector exposure and income.
Read Answer Asked by grant on December 06, 2017
Q: Hi 5i,
My income portfolio is light on consumer discretionaries. What would be a good stock or two that would compliment my current holding in that space - CGX.

Looking for a bit of growth and income growth.

Read Answer Asked by Wayne on December 06, 2017
Q: I wish to reposition some of my energy producers in my portfolio. With strengthening commodity prices can you you please identify,in order,5 Canadian producers you would hold for future appreciation. My preference is that they pay a dividend but if you think price appreciation would exceed current dividend yield, then please include.
If not considering dividends, what are your top 5.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on December 06, 2017