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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have been watching CZO CLR GUD NLN PLI and GPS for some time and I am considering buying into some of these Companies at these current low prices. I have 2 questions. a) Are the fundamentals sound?? and b) How would you rank them for mid term growth. Thanks for your considered opinion
Read Answer Asked by Bob on December 08, 2017
Q: Argan took a hit today, they reported better than estimate results. What has changed, Do you think the drop is over reaction, I bought it at a much higher price and I would appreciate your opinion on should I sell take a loss or average down at the present price,

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Saad on December 08, 2017
Q: Can you recommend 5 stocks which have high growth potential, but currently undervalued or not over-valued for 3 - 5 years hold ? These stocks can be in any sector and can be Canadian or US .
Read Answer Asked by Lai Kuen on December 08, 2017
Q: I have inherited share of this fund and am now being asked by BMO Investorline if I want to redeem these at their net asset value on January 30, 2018. The shares currently trade at $ 13.98. From what I can gather from First Asset the NAV is $ 14.28 on December 6. This has not been a very remunerative fund, and I am slowly switching assets to match your portfolios. Is this an opportunity for me to get out of some or all of this investment at better than market price? I am not sure how many shares the fund will redeem, but should I put all of them up for redemption?
Thank you very much for your valuable ideas and service
Read Answer Asked by doug on December 08, 2017
Q: What are the risks of in investing in ECN.PR.A? What I am alluding to is that these preferred shares have a guaranteed 6.5% return which is an extraordinary rate of return compared to other fixed income vehicles. To me, this means that ECN must be a high risk company, but from what I have researched so far it is not. Are there any other risks that I am not aware of?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on December 08, 2017
Q: Cipher is improving and the stock is trending up. With that being said, Knight looks better for the long term if they ever deploy their cash hoard. I currently have a half position in Cipher where a tax loss can be harvested. Take the tax loss and top up my position in Knight while it's down?
Read Answer Asked by WAYNE on December 08, 2017
Q: I have to sell some of my shares in my registered LIF Account by the end of the year. Which of the two mentioned above should I lighten up on. XCB looks flat and has only a small dividend. I would prefer to keep my CSH.UN for long term.
What is your opinion and reasoning.
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by ALBERT on December 08, 2017
Q: I've got excess cash in my RRSP, waiting to be deployed in the event of a downturn. I'm thinking of converting some of it to bonds while I wait, so as to earn a bit more than a high interest savings account can offer. I was wondering if you could recommend a few ETFs for that purpose. The ideal bond ETFs would be safe, rapidly deployable to cash, with a decent yield and likely to become more attractive investments themselves in the event of a downturn. Thanks for any suggestions. If you could add a short note about what would be the main risk to those ETFs, I'd appreciate it.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on December 08, 2017
Q: Peter; Re Tamara,s question on Bitcoin today. I think you should cross reference the question under “bitcoin” as it is the best and most comprehensive explanation of it I have read. I can now pass it on to my grandchildren who might need to know exactly what it is.
Read Answer Asked by Rodney on December 08, 2017