Q: Do you feel every portfolio should have at least one Gold Company?
What is the importance of owning a gold company? The long term track record of most Gold Mining companies does't look that compelling. I know that you have mentioned it as a hedge/protection, but even in 2009 Gold companies went down with the rest of the market.
Is just to ensure proper diversification?
When I look at AEM compared to FNV I like the past performance of FNV, but does it provide the same diversification
If it is your recommendation to have as part of any well constructed portfolio, what percentage should be with a Gold company. Just one full position?
Thanks as always.
What is the importance of owning a gold company? The long term track record of most Gold Mining companies does't look that compelling. I know that you have mentioned it as a hedge/protection, but even in 2009 Gold companies went down with the rest of the market.
Is just to ensure proper diversification?
When I look at AEM compared to FNV I like the past performance of FNV, but does it provide the same diversification
If it is your recommendation to have as part of any well constructed portfolio, what percentage should be with a Gold company. Just one full position?
Thanks as always.