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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i team!
My question is about energy storage.
It's my understanding that the biggest draw back to alternative energy solution and electric vehicle is the capacity to store electricity in great amount within a smale space.
Very little has been done in the past 20 years in that field,
compared to many other technologies. Are there any small or big companies coming with new ideas on battery storage capacity ?
I already own HYG-T hydrogen corporation for many years now, and that stock has not done much for me .
The IBAT story looks interesting, but needs much more large scale capacity proof of its new technology about lithium extraction with brine separation.
Read Answer Asked by Sylvain on November 22, 2017
Q: Hi Five Eye (financial) intelligence service
After being almost totally out of energy, I am thinking of getting back and looking for companies with torc to the upside.
Would you please compare TCW and TDG.
Also which would you prefer, PGF or BIR
Also a comment on SPE would be appreciated.
There are at least questions here and five companies. Please deduct 3 or 5 credits.
Read Answer Asked by Gord on November 22, 2017
Q: Hi, What is your view on this company ? The new Board has taken some serious steps to restructure company's business and its direction. Per, Monday's NR, company has agreed to sell all its US stores and focus on CDN stores. This transaction will result in lower cash flow from operations but help reduce debt considerably. What do you think of this move and its future impact on company's operations? Stock has current dividend yield of 3.5% and CIBC upgraded its rating and price target. Is the stock buyable at present prices for short to medium term investment ? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on November 22, 2017
Q: Hello 5i
Thanks for excellent service

I am feeling a like a novice investor enticed to buy a stock destine to retreat in value. I bought into Eric Nuttel's story about subject small cap and took up a small position.........which I now see as buying at a near term top after 50% run. The story sounded plausible and the stock was below IPO price so got on board. (missed the fact there was an issue at ~ $8.35)

While I did read the couple comments already in Q&A, would you please add your current thoughts?
As an investor question, if one gets into a name and then has immediate buyer's remorse, would you get out and rethink capital deployment or just ride it out believing in the long story....if there is one?

Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 22, 2017