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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i
Thanks for excellent service

I am feeling a like a novice investor enticed to buy a stock destine to retreat in value. I bought into Eric Nuttel's story about subject small cap and took up a small position.........which I now see as buying at a near term top after 50% run. The story sounded plausible and the stock was below IPO price so got on board. (missed the fact there was an issue at ~ $8.35)

While I did read the couple comments already in Q&A, would you please add your current thoughts?
As an investor question, if one gets into a name and then has immediate buyer's remorse, would you get out and rethink capital deployment or just ride it out believing in the long story....if there is one?

Read Answer Asked by Dave on November 22, 2017
Q: I am a long retired (10 years plus) conservative investor with a portfolio largely based on your income portfolio with a few holdings from the balanced portfolio.
The somewhat unexpected capital gain in this security (CAR.UN) of about 30% in just less than 2 years and the consequent relatively low (for a REIT) yield of about 3.4%, has given me some concern that this security is over bought and due a significant correction. To-day, there is an article in the Globe and Mail that questions the validity of the AFFO calculations used by this company and in particular how capex and maintenance expenses are applied to the AFFO.

What are your views in this area and do my concerns that this security may be over bought have any validity?

Read Answer Asked by John on November 22, 2017
Q: Good morning 5i
Thank you for the new website. Its great.
I bought VXUS... thank you. I am well diversified with equities and will have some Canadian dollars to spend after I shave some of my winners (which there are many..thank you) in my RRIF. What would you suggest in the form of an ETF? Europe? Japan UK Australia??? etc??? VXUS being international may cause an overlap but perhaps there is one area that you are particularily in favour of?? Do you expect more growth in the near to medium term (3 to 5 years) in any of these areas? Or should I plan this as a long term (5 to 10 year) investment. Thank you for your timely and priceless answers.
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on November 22, 2017
Q: Both of us retired in our mid 80s, the market has been good for us, so far. We are looking for investment that will preserve our capital, and give us some income, perhaps little capital growth or the least amount of damage in case of interest rate increases. Would segregated founds or JICs, be the right area to look to?
We would greatly appreciate your suggestions, it's been very useful in the past. Regards, J A P, Burlington
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on November 22, 2017
Q: Kudos to your new website, it’s very user friendly and a good tool for the small DIY investor!
My inquiry is on a Canadian Healthcare ETF (HHL) which I find interesting in that it includes US companies such as Novartis, Stryker, Medtronic, Johnson & Johnson and Anthem in the top 10 holdings, indicated dividend is north of 8.00%!
Also, if one is to hold it in a TFSA would the dividends be subject to the 15% foreign withholding tax?
Thnx for your great service!!
Read Answer Asked by David on November 22, 2017
Q: I hear Cormark Securities started research coverage on Sangoma Technologies today with a Buy $1.50 target. Beacon Securities already covers the Company with a Buy $1.55 target. Do you think the addition of Cormark will get more attention to the stock given the stellar results and a very cheap current stock valuation? In other words does 2 analysts make a difference now?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on November 22, 2017