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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: RE: Peter Lynchs' general positivity about spin offs.
Opinion about the new spin off Viemed from PHM. Do you know if any of the old management from PHM will be involved with the new company or will it be fresh people from outside rather then some reshuffling of the old mismanaging guard?
Do know how the arrangement will work wrt shares. I don't own any PHM at the moment. Would there be any benefit of purchasing any before the split?
Read Answer Asked by JEFF on November 24, 2017
Q: The correction in this stock (RE: Toys R Us bankruptcy) is quite startling. The last conference call was optimistically projecting a recovery. This is a large, experienced manufacturer of many popular brands which lost 50% of its value in 4 months. Is this punishment justified and is it a good investment right now?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on November 24, 2017
Q: Although they're still recording a modest net loss, the recent earnings appear to be very solid. As always, I would very much appreciate your analysis.
Revenues increased by over 804% year-over-year for the nine-month period, and 75% quarter over quarter - Revenues for the three months ended September 30, 2017 were $707 thousand compared to $42 thousand for the three months ended September 30, 2016: an increase of $665 thousand (1,583%). For the nine months ended September 30, 2017, revenues were $1,244 thousand compared to $138 thousand for the nine months ended September 30, 2016: an increase of $1,106 thousand (804%).

Regards. Karl
Read Answer Asked by karl on November 24, 2017
Q: Greetings. CBL, MKP, FC all pay a great dividend, but have lost Cap value over the past year or so. Forward trending does not indicate much value appreciation. Should I be concerned with this sector of altrenative lenders to the major banks. Sell or hold ? Other options to consider. ie some growth expectation and a reasonable div or say +4%
Read Answer Asked by Ed on November 24, 2017
Q: Good Day Team,

What can you to tell us about each of the above companies. I would also appreciate it if you could kindly order them from best to worst in the following lists:
1- Short-term Momentum
2- Long-term potential
3- Valuation
4- 5i pick

Thank you for being the best of best!
Read Answer Asked by Saeed on November 24, 2017
Q: My portfolio is light in the financial sector (CXI) and and I was thinking of adding GS at about half position (25K) to my RRSP and/or cash account for at least a 5 year hold, likely much longer. Although the yield is very attractive, I would prefer more growth. I am about 5 years from retirement and will be fully funded from other sources. I have slightly above moderate risk tolerance. Please suggest 2-3 stocks from each Canada and US, and if possible provide a rating. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Alvin on November 24, 2017