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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I'd like your view on Bonterra energy to see if it has changed do to the fact the WTI has improved dramatically. I believe Mr Fink the ceo was very positive the last time he spoke on BNN. Could you tell me the type of oil they produce and what would be the price of that type of oil be today.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Hubert on February 05, 2018
Q: I currently hold hold the 3 stocks and would like to combine them into one. Which one of the three has the best outlook longer term (4-5 years).
Read Answer Asked by Scott on February 05, 2018
Q: I have been administering a 7 figure + portfolio for a good friend. At Christmas he asked me to liquidate $1M as he was feeling nervous. Given the events of last week it may have been a prescient call! In any case I am charged with finding a good short term home for the money and thus have been delving deeper into the fixed income world. There I have encountered "Bankers Acceptances." May I have your views?

Read Answer Asked by Kim on February 05, 2018
Q: Hi 5i Team,
Can you please comment on Rogers Sugar's earnings release today? There are so many adjustments to their numbers that I find it difficult to gauge how good a quarter it was. I hold this stock primarily for income. Can you please comment on the safety/ability to grow the dividend, and free cash flow trend over the past few quarters?
Many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Brian on February 02, 2018
Q: Good evening,

Multi-part question.

Had just finished reading ‘The Little Book of common sense Investing’, decide to make the switch, and am beginning to plan my transition to CPD, ZAG, VFV, XEF, VCN, VEE, and XRE, when I come across the new Vanguard products, of which VBAL to me seems the most interesting.

I see the pros of this ETF as being straightforward and dropping from 7 commission fees (re-balancing myself), vs just one trade a year to add money (portfolio currently around $26,000).

Cons: no preferreds or real estate. Less control (e.g they decide the asset allocations).

Do you have an opinion on this ETF?

Not sure the yield on VBAL but am guessing 2.5-3% maybe? Any idea?

Also, If I go ahead with VBAL would you give it some time to settle down (trading looks a little erratic), or is that volatility purely a product of price changes of its holdings already?


Read Answer Asked by Jeff on February 02, 2018
Q: I see the sector is down the last few days, but MET has seemed to drop more in share value than SLF, & AIG,. Do you know of any reason for this and are you still positive in regards to MET. I am aware you don't follow the US market that closely. Also, if you are allowed, the report date of SPE.TO, CEU.TO, & WCP.TO. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Earl on February 02, 2018
Q: Hello 5i Team,

little bit of a two for one here though all three of these companies in my portfolio are in the same battered sector. Obviously the Canadian natural gas producers are hurting right now due to weak prices, an oversupply, and a lack of pipeline to deliver especially in Alberta but Peyto itself has really bled out over the last 6 months. The dividend is nice but of course was cut and I'm feeling uncertain as to whether it will continue to be sustainable and even if the loss in stock value is very much offsetting it. Do you see any upside here? The strong downward trend momentum is rather discouraging.

Cenovus and Trican are two others that I recently acquired at the higher end of the scale relative to the last month. Since then they've been steadily sliding especially Cenovus and I presume this is due to rising bond yields, higher interest rates, and a lack of sentiment towards the energy sector. Could you please give me your thoughts on them over the short and long term please? Thanks a bunch! Your guidance is very much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Kim on February 02, 2018