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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have $500k in cash to invest. Getting into the market with current economy and market conditions is hard for me to do. I have asked around at other firms and of course the answer has always been "Get in now. why wait", but I believe that they are biased because they will make their fees from me even if I lose money during a market correction.

As an example I did some back calculations using a tool on Steadyhand's web page and the rate of return from 2007 to 2016 compared to 2008 to 2016 is significantly different. By waiting one year the annual ROR changes by almost 100% (5% 2007-2016, 11% 2008-2016). It is interesting how nobody ever talks about this.

I would like to wait until the market correction happens, whenever that may be, but I need some unbiased advice.

I realize that this question has probably been asked before but I think that the answer to this question has to take into account current conditions and where the market is compared to historical norms and averages.

If I was using one of the 5i portfolios it would be the Income portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on December 07, 2017
Q: GOOS has had a pretty good ride since the IPO. I also take notice of the number of Canada goose parkas I see walking by me now that it's cold out. Would you agree with taking a position prior to the upcoming quarter, despite being at the 52 week high? Is this a buy and hold, or something that would likely pull back during the summer months as their primary product is seasonal?

Thanks Team,
Read Answer Asked by Ryan on December 07, 2017
Q: CRH has rebounded off its low of $1.90 on Nov 15th, today it is $3.10 on decent volume.
Has there been any sign of insider buying or share buybacks since the normal course issuer bid was announced?
Could there still be some tax loss selling still to come?
A market call guest noted that breaking above $3.30 on volume would be a positive sign.. do you agree?

Also, what are your long term thoughts of the stock, 3+ years.


Read Answer Asked by EVAN on December 07, 2017
I want to sell two or three of what you may consider to be the least likely to perform well in the short term (1 year).
As always thank you. Wishing you all a peaceful Christmas & Holiday Season.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on December 07, 2017
Q: Hi there, I noticed a recent answer where you recommended COV and GUD for a growth and balanced healthcare name. I know it may be best to split a position in two and own both names, but if you had to buy just one which would it be - for short term (1-2 years) or long term (5-10 years)? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 07, 2017
Q: Further to a question asked by Clarence this morning I too am reaching for dividend income. Would you consider any of these high dividend paying companies an unacceptable risk today? I guess in terms of capital loss or dividend cuts? Understanding that obviously things could change in the future.
Artis 7.68%
Crius Energy 9.38%
Diversified Royalty 6.37%
Dream Global 6.66%
Enbridge Income 7.08%
Read Answer Asked by David on December 07, 2017
Q: Oil prices are up around 10% ytd; RRX is down around 30%. I bought RRX with the premise that the oil market at some point would start to rebalance. The oil piece seems to be working itself out; can you explain the huge divergence with RRX.

Also, I could use the capital loss on RRX this year. Can you provide a good company to swap into. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Darcy on December 07, 2017
Q: hi folks:

looking for direction on oil services/drilling co's

balance sheet-wise what are your 2 -3 choices for long term stability in the energy services area?

(not concerned if it is a frack co; daylighters, upstream downstream etc etc etc)

and, since I have you........

what are your current 2-3 choices for pipelines; oil co's; gas co's

as with service co's i am primarily concerned with future viability (ie staying in business) vs biggest potential recovery

been sitting on my hands and actually making not buying as yet

thank you
Read Answer Asked by Robert on December 07, 2017
Q: I’d like your opinion on Investors Group and the financial planning services they provide. Is the consultant commission consistently applied on all products (e.g., mortgage, investment, insurance)? Are the various products available at competitive rates.

Thank you for the great service you provide!

Read Answer Asked by Rob on December 07, 2017