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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Could you name 2 stocks from each portfolio that would be strong adds during the pull back? Also, in a minor pull back like this would someone be best to add money in blue chip names or growth? Canada or US? Where would you expect best returns?

Much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on February 06, 2018
Q: With the current pullback what 5 names in your income portfolio would be best to ad cash to. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 06, 2018
Q: Hello 5i, firstly let me echo other comments about how nice it is to have an experienced voice of reason on our side during these turbulent times. Thank you!!
I'm considering selling AVO now to free up some cash to buy a few beaten down names. My question is...if the offer for AVO was increased would it likely to be 5-10% or maybe more?
I know this is pure speculation but I am interested in your opinion.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Dave on February 06, 2018
Q: Just doing some more work on ZWE...confused on some beta #s. Globefund has the beta = 2.07. Fundata has a 3 year beta of 0.53. 5iR has it at 0.91. Can you please provide some it simply different timeframes? I am trying to derisk my portfolio (reduce beta), while at the same time increase dividend income...adding to ZWE seems logical, but the beta numbers are confusing. Thanks...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on February 06, 2018
Q: Good Afternoon
ARX is almost touching the lows not seen since the great recession and financial crisis of 2008/09. It is my understanding that the environment for energy companies is not favourable but no other energy company has performed as bad as ARX. Are there any other reasons unknown to us?
I will appreciate your comments with respect to ARX going forward. The dividend has been cut only once since the 2008 recession. Do you see any possibility for a dividend cut?
At this level is the stock a hold/sell or buy?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Terry on February 06, 2018
Q: Hello,

I realize that you don’t focus on the US market but I have cash to deploy and would appreciate your opinion.
I am looking for 4-5 stocks regardless of sector to buy into this market dip. What would you suggest?

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Josette on February 06, 2018
Q: Good morning Team 5i,
It looks like a good market correction this week.
What would be your top 5 picks be ( for a 1 to 2 year hold ) over the next few days ?

Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 06, 2018
Q: Good Evening
Today's decline in the TSX and Dow was due primarily due to the increase in interest rates.
Can you please comment as to why several rate reset preferred shares like and declined as well? CPD also declined by .7%. It is widely believed that the increase in interest rates will favour the rate reset preferred shares.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Terry on February 06, 2018
Q: I am trying to trim my portfolio from 38 equity holdings down to about 30. Largest # of holdings is in the Tech Sector which is 19% of my total portfolio. They are:
SYZ, OTEX, ENGH, DSG (held in my 'balanced' RRSP)
ABT, ET (held in my RIF for income)
ITC,PHO,SHOP (held in my TFSA for growth)

All are between 2% and 4% of my total portfolio with the exception of ET at 1.7% and ITC @ 0.7%

I would also like to purchase KXS !! I am turning myself into knots trying to decide what I should drop in order to buy it (if you think it would be beneficial ?) . Plus what other stocks could I sell/increase/purchase in order to trim the # of holdings and still have a robust tech portfolio.
Any suggestions would be appreciated... Thank goodness you are there as an experienced and wise sounding board !!
Read Answer Asked by Alexandra on February 06, 2018