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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Dear 5i,
During the past week I had been deploying extra cash to rebalance my lower weighted holdings. I hold most of your BE Porfolio, some growth and a handful of US stocks. I have limited dry powder left to deploy and have significant losses in RRX and AEM (only energy / gold holdings except for ENB). I know you don't recommend buying the tsx index b/c it is weighted in resources and financials. I also have a little USD $ left. I am thinking of selling the loosers above for the capital loss and just buy the TSX index and the S&P 500 index with my remaining USD$. What do you think of this plan? Which index funds do you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by KERRI on February 12, 2018
Q: Hello team,

Since downgraded by BMO in Dec 2017, FR has fallen by almost 40%. I bought some at $8.80, knowing that you consider FR as a decent company. Since then the company acquired Primero (which you consider as a nice move) and also issued new debentures, which I think resulted in further weakness in the stock price. I have three questions for you:
1- Is the significant drop today (7%) market related or company specific?
2- What are their cash position and debt position now
3- At the current price, would you buy more if you had a 2.6% position?
I have no other exposure to metals/mining companies.

Thanks a lot for your invaluable input.
Read Answer Asked by Saeed on February 12, 2018
Q: I have owned sgy for a long time it is the only oil stock I have and is held in a TFSA. I have no problem holding this long term but do you think it will survive? This week alone it has dropped a lot, I am assuming on oil price drops but could there be other news that I have not found.? Your opinion would be great Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Kolbi on February 12, 2018
Q: Further to members' questions about pipeline equities: if oil transport is scarce, then demand for pipelines services should be essentially inelastic, such that (existing) pipelines can raise prices without losing traffic. Or is pipeline economics dominated by long-term contracts and capital replacement, such that inelastic demand doesn't help?
Read Answer Asked by John on February 12, 2018
Q: If one was currently setting up a diversified portfolio including the following classifications - real estate, financial, health, technology, materials, utilities, energy, consumer discretionary, consumer staples, industrials and telecom - and wanted one core investment in each classification (either a specific larger established company or an ETF where there is no such company in Canada (such as tech and health)) what companies/ETFs would you suggest by classification. Thank you for your exemplary work and suggestions over the last few years.Mike
Read Answer Asked by Michael on February 12, 2018
Q: I would like to add a good, US dividend-paying stock in either the tech or healthcare sector. Currently, I own JNJ in healthcare and IBM in tech; please provide recommendations in both sectors that would complement my current holdings. I am looking for stability; a secure, good dividend (either ~3%, or ~2% with good dividend growth); and anticipate a holding period of forever. Please also indicate your top recommendation for each sector, given my notes. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on February 12, 2018
Q: Hello, with the Dow down more than 4% twice this week, can you comment based on your observations (volume, block size, leverage or other) and experience if the automated trading could explain this volatility and trigger this panic. Also, would you know if the level of leverage and use of derivatives has increased over the last few years or vs 2008 ? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on February 12, 2018
Q: Hi 5i team
Over the past few years I have been slowly rebalancing my portfolio to be more diversified. There are a few positions that the market has helped me rebalance. Tourmaline is the most prominent name. I am down 50% in this stock. The reasons I have held on to it are good management, good balance sheet, good assets, (a colder winter). The problems with the stock price is not in their execution but rather the business they are in. How does a stock owner decide if they want to keep a position, add to a position, or sell in an industry that my take some time to recover. I originally thought a cold winter would have been enough to bring it back but so far I am wrong. If it paid a dividend (and there was mention that they might start one) it would be less of a concern for me. So should I move my money?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Jeremy on February 12, 2018