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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: HI Team,
Just wanted to put ESP on the radar once again.. on Feb 7 they announced a deal with a television provider that has a million+ subscribers. This new contract along with EastLink and the other smaller contract wins, have not yet been adequately reflected in the share price. Penderfund owns 15% of the company. Year end numbers could still be weak, but I think the Outlook is fairly positive given the recent wins. Your updated comments are appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Ryan on February 12, 2018
Q: I have a question about bond yields and interest rates. I just read an article on marketwatch saying that the 10 year bond yield "has an effect on all parts of the economy, as it influences everything from borrowing costs for the smallest and biggest companies, to rates for fixed and adjustable mortgages, car loans and credit cards".

I think i understand how it impacts borrowing costs (firms that need to issue new debt have to pay more?) but I thought the fed rate is what influences the prime rate which effects adjustable mortgages and other loans.

I understand that a higher yield on bonds makes some stocks less attractive in comparison (like dividend stocks) but i don't get how the 10 year bond yield is so important/scary for the market.

Could you please explain?
Read Answer Asked by Arthur on February 12, 2018
Q: I'm interested in GSY and I notice you've been giving it some more praise lately as a good option of a beaten up stock. When doing my own DD I find it looks very good on many metrics but it always has negative cash flow and many years has negative ROIC, both of which at first glance would deter me from this stock. I'm sure this is due to the fact they are loaning out money or something along those lines but can you help me understand this? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Adam on February 12, 2018
Q: I own both of the above and am still above water, but they are not holding up well in this current environment, so should I hold or move out.. If so do you think intc is worth pursuing or some other stock perhaps would be better going forward.
Another question HD is another stock similar position, what do you think buy,sell or hold. If buy what would you replace it with. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on February 12, 2018
Q: Can you help me clarify my thinking about CDZ? I own it as part of a global portfolio of four ETFs in a growth-oriented long-term horizon RRSP. It's the Canadian piece. But looking back at the 5 and 10 year total returns is a bit depressing given that we are/were in a bull run.

Would you recommend a switch to something else to serve this purpose? Whether or not you recommend a switch, could you provide your next best suggestion for a growth-focused long-term RRSP. I have heard that there is some evidence that companies that raise dividends have tended to outperform, but I'm nonetheless suspicious. Perhaps this ETF's strategy is not effectively set up to capture those gains.

Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on February 12, 2018
Q: What do you think of the above two rate re-set preferreds - good dividend yields currently of 6.863% and 6.796% respectively - have been pretty stable and though not that liquid - seem like a pretty good place to put some money for income?? would appreciate your opinion - regards - Karen
Read Answer Asked by Karen on February 12, 2018
Q: Most oil&gas yeildcos were losing value before the correction, but now even VET is testing 6-month lows. Are there any that stand out as so grossly depressed that the reward outweighs the risk? (Please add to the supplied list as you see fit.)
Read Answer Asked by John on February 12, 2018