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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am trying to understand how NFI deserves an A- rating. Please appreciate that this is a learning opportunity on my part as I`ve made (too many) mistakes in the past. I see a company that has had excellent fundamentals (i.e. 19.7/20.7% revenue/EPS growth) over the past 5 years but only has a 4.9% revenue growth over the next year. The company's balance sheet is so/so. The companies last quarter was disappointing. The big advantage I constantly read about is its backlog (and this is not a sign of growth). This sounds like a company that was great in the past but appears to have few specifics mentioned about having a great future . What is it that we do not see? Your in-depth comments are appreciated.
Thank You.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on December 14, 2017
Q: You mentioned in an answer that Small Cap stocks tend to get a bump in January or something along those lines. Can you expand on that in regards to how long historically this period has lasted, do Micro Caps also get a bump and might this be a good time or when is a good time to sell out of some of my more risky holdings that I don't want anymore?

Thanks, new site is great.
Read Answer Asked by Craig on December 14, 2017
Q: So back in May you answered a question to a guest, and said you had little interest in the stock for the future, since than it has gone from $26 to $38. It won it's court case, has had big insider buying by some fund has been buying a ton of stock and they are buying back stock, analyst on CNBC have also been high on the stock. So have we missed the boat here, or can this still be purchased?
Read Answer Asked by eugene on December 14, 2017
Q: Hi team,
I am back to Square one again. I watched SQ rally hard to the high 40's a few weeks ago when it announced it would accept bitcoin as a payment option for certain customers. That rally faded fast despite the fact that the bitcoin frenzy keeps on going and going. I am not a pure technician in terms of detailed trading parameters but I do follow the technicals for support and resistance levels. SQ is now at $36 which I think is hovering around the 50 day moving average. Is this just a normal pullback and is the buy thesis still intact or has there been some negative news on the stock that I missed?
Thanks again,
Read Answer Asked by Dave on December 14, 2017
Q: obviously i get the year end tax loss selling, but i do not quite get the year end profit taking i am seeing in yangarra, the stars group,savaria and some others especially in a strong tape.
oil has held up pretty well, are oils selling off because of pipeline bottlenecks or something else, yangarra has been down 5 days in a row.
please explain the year end profit taking, why would anyone sell to pay the tax. dave
Read Answer Asked by david on December 14, 2017